Friday, May 15, 2009

Just a thought on history and the future.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly... It would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be hightly rated. Thomas Paine
How many are born into "Freedom" now-days actually understand the concept? Is it any surprise that the majority can be persuaded by a Charismatic Character claiming to be able to take care of "all of the problems"? How many understand that the troops aren't necessarily fighting for our freedom at this point but that of a country that cares not one wit for freedom? Though they aren't fighting for our freedom now, they may be soon enough. We may be right there along side of them. We may even have to make the first moves and hope that they see the dedication and join us.

There were three things that were considered 'unalienable' by the founding fathers. Jefferson had to compromise on the third to appease a group but those ORIGINAL three things were LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY. The compromise changed it to Pursuit of happiness(which is unalienable but is only definable on an individual basis and very circumstantial) Life is the easiest to define. Liberty can be subjective. Our current majority doesn't seem to realize that the 'Liberty' they have chosen is sitting on a very slippery slope to Fascism.

How willing are you to TRULY understand the cost of FREEDOM? Freedom is the costliest of all as it may take the other two unalienable rights to 'purchase' it. Are you ready to write that check?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At my time of life, I hope things settle down a little and it calms down. I've got problems enough.