Saturday, June 27, 2009

Deals in the Dark of night.

Last night the fools on the hill passed the Cap and Trade bill to send to the senate. The final call was very close. 219-212. Several Democrats jumped ship on this one(probably more out of fear for their jobs than commonsense) while a few Republicans felt the sway of lobbyists and voted for.

Not only is this a bad bill for reasons better stated by others in more viewed forums, the mere way it was literally pushed beckons one to question the true nature of it.
They did this with the Omnibus bill, the "Stimulus" bill and (lets go back a bit further) the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act.
I get the distinct impression that they are making deals in the dark and that the only people that will see any advantage in these deals are them. They have forgotten that they are the 'hired help'.

I can't say that I blame them for that slip though. Many in this country consistently call them "leaders". The American people have been asleep for decades and consistently 're-educated' by the MSM's when they became uncomfortable.

Our founders built in a system of checks and balances. These men were educated men that understood certain mechanical concepts. Negative feedback is a good thing when properly tuned to the machine. Mechanical concepts work to some extent when thinking of the government. Since the Second American revolution there has been much tweaking of those mechanisms and now they are no longer negative but positive. Positive feedback is detrimental to any machine. We are starting to see the wild oscillations taking place from lack of built in controls or the manipulations of
those controls.

Like any disease, this one too shall pass. Will we find a cure for it or will the patient die on the table? Like any disease left to fester for lengths of time: the longer the wait the more radical the treatment and lower the chance of success. I worry for my country, I worry for my family, I prepare for whatever may come.


Anonymous said...

Financially, I can't afford the consequences of the Energy Bill. Cap and Trade will increase the cost of power for an average family by about $3000 a year. The Dims say that is a good thing, because it will "force" the working class to economize. But they won't economize. Like Al Gore and his mega mansion, this is all about controlling "unimportant" people and the leftards feel they can live higher on the hog because they are a higher form of man.

Diogenes said...

All of this is designed to do one thing. Make us more dependent upon the system(that they are designing).

Truly free people won't stand for it for too long.

I know you are up in the hills. Have you thought about building a micro-hydro electric system? One of the pics you had on your site showed a pretty decent stream you could tap into.

Anonymous said...

Diogenes, I tried to develop an alternate power system before. It didn't work out. Maybe I'll do a post on it.