Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My take on the news.

I have been listening to both sides of the story as best as possible for the last couple of months. The talk radio seems to carry the story better since they aren't 'spinning' the story. Seems to me that the people that want the truth tend to be able to handle it better than those that just want the next movie listing or traffic report.

Still when you are seeing several major powers coming together to 'find' a better way of transacting business for Energy supplies; Well you have to watch what the FedGov's response is. So far what we are seeing is the basic ineptitude of a deer in headlights. No response from the hill other than some denials of the facts(like our unemployment rates. Spin that all you want. The street shows a different story)




Thats my take on it.

Anyone care to refute it? I could use some good news.

Guess I plan on making the hump to Dayton in two weeks to pick up more ammo. We may not see these plans pan out for another year or two but I think that when the PTB in other countries start to make the move, the rest are going to follow suit so fast the Dollar is going to crash, hard. It will hit so hard as to leave a crater.(right where the Federal treasury is today)

So how is that Hope and Change working for you? I know it sucks in this neck of the woods. We sure are getting the change and HOPING that it isn't going to blow up TOO soon. I still have preparations in the works. Not to say that I can't up and leave at the drop of the first sign of trouble but comfort levels may not be where I would like to have them.

Rule 1) Be prepared to leave your bags on the dock when the SHTF.
Rule 2) All sales are final.

On a good note though; Having free rein to get my work done this week while the boss is out of town is a good thing. Lowered stress levels to say the least. I will be picking up the Dragunov soon. My daughter has a car again( so I don't have to chauffeur her around and cut into my working hours.)(down side though, I don't see my granbehbie as much. Prolly for the better right now as she keeps giving me all of these damned colds. LOL)

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