Monday, November 30, 2009

OhMyGod! Can it get any more interesting?

As I posted earlier, I have been helping my sister through a rough spot in her life as her husband is in Hospice now. Its been a rather stressful weekend to start. Now here it is Sunday night, I am getting ready to jump in the shower when my door buzzer starts going nuts.

A guy from the neighborhood is buzzing everybody in my building, letting us know that the abandoned building next to us is on fire. I quickly get dressed and run out to see how far along it is(minus shoes and a jacket like a dimwit. In such a rush I even left my swiss army knife and my wallet) About that time, the firetrucks arrive and I am cut off from my place completely.

Cincinnati Fire Department is quite capable of their jobs, I will say that. They managed to take that fire down to a smoulder in less than an hour. It was a bit exasperating to me that once the fire was under control that I wasn't allowed to get back to my place for another hour and a half, Then I was told I was allowed to run in and get basics (jacket and shoes so they said) and get out as they were planning on doing a demo of the vacant building to keep it from coming down on the other houses. I understand that they were looking out for our safety but Seeing as I was being put out on the street for the night, it was a bit much to ask me to only grab 'basics'. Least to say, the look on the Firechiefs face as I walked by him with ammo cans, Rifle cases, and a Bugout Bag, was classic. I mumbled 'just the basics' as I walked by him in the most serious voice I could muster. (which was actually quite hard as I was choking back laughter as it looked like he had swallowed his own gonads)

I would like to think that the coming days will settle down some.

I know that when I go home tomorrow, I am going to have one VERY ticked off cat to deal with too. He was out and about when all of this went down and the couple of times I saw him trying to get to the house he looked quite ticked off. LOL Poor cat hadn't a clue that his world could get that interesting that quickly.


Anonymous said...

That would not be good at all. Seems like it's one damn thing after another these days.

Diogenes said...

Just a little bit. We do what we can when we must. Other than that you enjoy what you have and smile when it gets 'funky'.

I Used to thrive on stressful situations, now I just want to relax and not have to worry to much.

You would think I know better though.