Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some observations.

Was on Mental Militias today and from that, and the experiences we(a friend and I) have had on IrateNation: I find it hard to discuss anything online with the exception of a handful of people.(and one of the reasons I have been doing more lurking than posting lately)

Far too many fractured and fragile personalities online. I see it as a sign of the decline of our culture myself. To few willing to step up and call things as they see them. Far to many willing to take offense at the slightest affront to their point of view.

America is sick. I really see it now. Its not just the politics either. They are just a symptom of the disease that show better since its isolated among a handful of the total populace. My grandparents wouldn't know this country if they were alive today. I think that is one reason I am desiring of moving to somewhere more "country" in attitude. Somewhere that people understand self reliance above all. Communities are fine but if the core of the populace isn't self reliant, the foundation of that community is non-existent. What was the saying? "all for one and one for all"? That should be the call to arms for the future. You can stand alone but to rise up take a multitude of people, skills, and ideas.(and resources) Something that, at one time, this country had aplenty. Not so much anymore.

Probably one of the reasons I have so few 'friends' here in town. The ones I do have are just as self reliant as myself and multi-talented. Also elusive as we don't "need" each other very much and tend to be loners. LOL and that is our downfall too. We aren't herd animals and the herd is able to be heard (no pun intended) better. Yet the herd will be dependent upon those of us with a clue when things get rough. I think one of the founders said " the patriot is the most despised person in the community until his services are needed." or something to that effect. Patriot. Self-Reliant. Morally upright and Steadfast in resolve. All the same and all different but all the basis of what this country was built upon. We are the smallest minority now.

I have been following the goings on in Haiti through Hermit and GR4U and see how quickly things can break down. The Herd will bleat for help and the wolves will do what wolves do. I have heard of the 72 hour cascade before but seeing it in action is something else. Hours 1-24 find everyone, to some extent, helping each other out. hours 25-48 find the wolves waking up to killing fields but not going into action yet. 49-72, the Wolves realize that they are now the law and things really escalate.

I mention the above Haiti points in reference to the first part of my post. With such fractured and fragile personalities afloat in the country, I see an added level of "prepared" people with false confidence. These are the ones that will inadvertently arm and feed the wolves. This will further raise the confidence of the wolves.

I do see many that are prepared for the worst but not thinking the environment through. People that have the means but not the big picture of what could be.

Then I meet people like Hermit. Already in place and far enough out that he may never feel the pinch except in boredom from lack of Internet.(and for his sake I hope that is the worst of it.)

No matter where our future goes, we are in for interesting times. Some days, I wish it would all blow up so we can get on to the restructuring that needs to be done. Other days, I hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime.

Sorry for the downbeat post. Just some random thoughts in my head today while catching up.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the sentiments you express. One of the reasons I live way the hell out in the middle of nowhere was to avoid the hassle and stress that comes with being around people all the time. I think our society has decayed to a greater extent than most people are willing to admit or realize. But I just live day by day, as best I can.

Diogenes said...

"I just live day by day, as best I can."

Absolutely the best way to live by all accounts. I have noticed that when I start trying to 'buck the system' and voice opinions is when I get a smack down of some sort. I intend on getting myself into a similar position as you and just letting all of this do as it will. Our society isn't going to fix itself, and I know I can't do anything to help it(other than leave it alone.)
BTW, thanks for the plug on your site.

Soffitrat said...

Finally got on here! I think... Will talk to you later. Now that I know how to do this.