Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dr. Sanity NAILS IT

Let me be clear. I don't believe that people have a "right" to health care; because, what advocating such a "right" basically means is that you believe you have a "right" to my mind; you have a "right" to my professional competence; i.e., you have a "right" to enslave me.

And that is what this is all about.


And the moronic masses that voted for our current 'leaders' were running around with "I'm Free" buttons the day after O won.

Guess its all in the eye of the beholder isn't it.

My cat is free too, I feed him, take care of him, pay his bills and he does not one thing to earn his keep. I also have the right to kill him if I felt so inclined.

Think the Government doesn't look at the "entitled" the same way? I think they are colder about it than I just wrote actually. I wouldn't kill my cat unless it were a case of Mercy. Does anyone reading this blog think that Our government wouldn't consider cutting services to a retiree "out of mercy"?

And enslave the Doctors in the process of taking that control?

I am done for the day.

Tomorrow is another day, and preps are still in need of work. Galt's Gulch is calling.


Mayberry said...

Screw this shit, my name is John Galt......

Diogenes said...

Aren't we all now. If not, we will be soon.