Tuesday, June 7, 2011

thought dump..

One thing about having been in the Marines: they certainly reinforced my bullheaded, tenacious, 'don't back down fer nuttin' attitude.
There is just so much one person can stand but it seems that the more I get thrown at, the more I can handle. Maybe some of this shit gets put on a back burner til later, but it will be dealt with.

What am I talking about?

Corrupt politicians.

The whole damned lot of 'em. From the President on down to the local Dog Cop.

I can't harp on it enough to say that they are all evil to the core. Evil in this case is making a living by causing others irreparable financial and emotional trouble.

"Oh come on Dio, it isn't all that bad." you say?
BULLSHIT! There is not one thing I collect on from the taxes I pay. The roads are a complete disgrace around here so don't even try that one on me. I don't have 'city water' nor will I once my home is finished, I won't be connecting to the grid even though that is 'privatized'. There is NO sewage around here to tie into so thats off the table. There is not a trash service around here. (we recycle and burn what we can't recycle.) I pay a lot of money for a less than adequate health plan and don't depend on Uncle Sugar for that. I work for my wages, whether they be in FRN's or in barter/silver on the local scene. (and there is very little of the latter for my liking.) And I know that by the time I am of retirement age, I will not be receiving ANY Social Slavery benefits. (either due to the fact that they bump it around or it just goes belly up. Doesn't matter as I won't SUBJECT myself to them in that manner EVER!)

And still, they choose to push their reality on me. I have done away with the T.V. since I think it is at least 50% of the blame of our current 'reality'. But that leaves the remaining 50% that they won't leave me alone in. Hell, this time around one of the sick pukes has decided to show his junk. Ann does a hell of a breakdown on what that amoeba really is.

There are times, like today, where I would like to just pack up everything I own ( that will fit in my truck) and head into some remote location between here and Alaska somewhere and just turn my back on all of this "Society".
And I know, I know: No man is an Island, there has to be more than '1' to have a life, etc etc etc.

So the fuck what.

Not that this will happen. I know better than that. Where one flees, the enemy would soon follow.
Yeah, I said 'enemy'.

Look at the state of this country. You all see it. We all bitch about it. Having mentioned it before, the only way it seems to really make a statement is to destroy yourself in the process of destroying something else. Something that will give the Statists, Socialists, out right Communists, a damned orgasm as they would see an opening to FURTHER restrict the SUBJECTS in their realm.

I thought we did away with all that nonsense 230+ years ago. We told a king to shove his stupidity up his ass, then proceeded to help him do so. And now, while they don't call themselves 'King' or 'Lords and Ladies' (gag), they sure as hell do act like it. The 'What is good for me is not for thee' fucking attitude pervades EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GOV INSTITUTION WITHIN THIS COUNTRY! All the way down to the lowest clerk in the DMV.

And it's all our fault.

How we live with it I have no idea. The Founders would have been doing the Tar and Feathers thing back when McCarthy was doing his little number. (and I remember some teachers talking about how EVIL he was. Damn, looking back on that time, the man should have been up for the medal of honor. Too bad he didn't finish the job.) And yet, we do, put up with it that is. Bitch moan complain but put up with it nonetheless. (and yes, I am pointing those three fingers right back at myself when I say this, knowing full well I am as guilty as anyone.)

But what to do about it.

I am of the mind to just let it all go. To hell with them, they care not one iota about our 'livelihood'. So long as we keep paying in (at the point of a gun) they could care less if we are walking skeletons.

Starving the monkeys? Yeah, who are the monkeys now? The ones being/having been supported by all those tax dollars that the Government no longer has? (used to be that we were into July before they were into the red. Seems to me, I recall them saying that this year, it was in MARCH!)

Nope, I am going to sit on my porch, have the Drudge doing an hourly update, eating my popcorn and drinking a beer while I watch the fires from the local town flare up. Oh yeah, .30-30 leaned against the post near me with more in reserve elsewhere in the house. I ain't gonna run, but I ain't going alone.


J.Jenkins said...

You seem to be a nice guy. I can tell you're smart. I'd really like to know where you get your information from. I'm not trying to be a smart ass. You guys seem so sure that something is up. Do you have facts?

Diogenes said...

I almost started this out with a "WTF?" but I am going to give you the benefit of doubt and just say a couple of things here.

Study your history.
Study a minor amount of law.
Study how the laws of this country are completely IGNORED by those that write them.
Study how the REAL economy works, not that crap your media Gods invoke to silence the masses.

and most importantly, Study Human interaction during times of strife.

Whatever you do, Do NOT take what is being espoused by the Main Stream Media as FACT. Its not. What is coming will not be Revolution like 'Us Rambo" types would prefer to see. No, its going to be MUCH worse. If you think the brother vs brother of the Civil War was bad, you haven't seen anything yet. You won't know who your enemy is until he sticks a knife in your back.

tommy atkins said...

J Jenkins, how can you not see it coming?Look at just this one thin little aspect of "todays society" How about Illegal aliens. Where I live there are no native spanish speakers. Now in my county, they are at almost breakeven in numbers with what used to be the caucasion majority. State takes tax money from me, and funds "programs" to advance their cause. Have a traffic accident with one, most likely no drivers license or insurance.Cop will let them walk (and disappear) every time as long as no one is killed. Recently the local school system has become minority majority. The "native" population has stayed fairly stable in numbers of people and demographics, so where do these folks fit in? Now the governer of this state is giving the invaders in state tuition, pretty much a 20K per year, per student taxpayer funded subsidy. On top of translation services throughout the local government. Schools, DMV, county "services". County funded "Day Labor Centers" The productive people are being bled dry to support things that they don't want, and didn't ask for. Not to mention crime, gangs and all the other disorder that comes. These invaders are not paying taxes, they are consuming way out of proportion. How long do you think it can go on? My family has been in America since long before there WAS an America. What laws can I break with impunity? How much are MY taxes going to be raised before they get it all??What do you think will happen then? Take Congressman Weiner. Please. Could you do what he did, lie about it and keep YOUR job??WTF , I mean really. If you cannot see the storm clouds on the horizon, you must be looking the wrong way.

Diogenes said...

Thank you Tom. Looking the otherway indeed. I get the impression that Jenkins is a converted Liberal and having issues with the conversion. Guess we will see how it goes.