Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Morning thought upon waking.

Has anyone heard any Bob Segar lately?

This was my waking thought upon waking up today. I can't remember the last time I heard "I'm not a number" on the radio. Granted, I don't listen to the classic rock station frequently enough to know for certain, but it struck me as odd when the thought came to mind.

I am sure that a little research on my part could yield some answers. I may even take part of the day and do that, if it sticks in my craw enough. Maybe its because he isn't PC enough for today's audience? It's a crying shame if that's the case. Have we, as a nation, forgotten what it means to be an individual? That was what that song sang to me. Have we fallen so far to not remember the guys that built this nation on their backs, the ones that are so blatantly called 'trash' by some but really were the gears that meshed out a highly efficient machine called Progress? Granted, in hind sight, they and we were all really slaves to a system we didn't understand. I find it hard to understand still, till I add in the "Power/Greed" factor of some.

Then again, maybe I am just in a pre-coffee reverie here.

I'll be back after my second pot of coffee.


GunRights4US said...

I've been a Seger fan for many many years. And I'm not a number sure is one of my favorites, especially now that I'm beginning to FEEL like a number within the State's Collectivist hive.

I never hear a BS tune that I don't think of an old Marine buddy I served with in 1979. Hey Joe Parrish! Where the hell are you bro?

Diogenes said...

Segar brings back a lot of fine memories from growing up and even while in the Corps. Granted I was in a bit later than you were (88-92) but it didn't change to much what we were listening to.

I thought it strange that I hadn't noticed a lack of music from the genre on the air waves. Maybe its just me. Still miss it though. Loaded the MP3 player up with a bunch of that stuff today.