Friday, May 7, 2010

How ya like them Apples?

As a one time Aspiring teacher, I find stuff like this just a little disturbing.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

According to a 2002 Columbia Law School study, nearly two-thirds of persons polled thought that this phrase came from the Constitution or might have been crafted by the Framers.

H/T to Tam for this one.

In line with the last two posts in some way.

Be afraid. The Zombie hoard is growing and with the financial signs coming from across the eastern pond, we are in for a world of shit. We already know our economy is only held up by a serious case of denial by a large percentage of people. A case of denial supported by lies from TPTB. Yesterdays little mess shows just how fragile the lie is too.
When the real failures come, and they will since nearly every state and major city is already in the red for the year if not completely off the chart: the city is the last place you will want to be.(Note to self: keep an eye out, I will only have 24 hours at best to haul ass)

I haven't much hope for the future as we are running now. I have great hopes for the Real Americans that are prepping, digging in per se. I know the little community I will be heading to will be fine. They have seen worse times than this and people tend to be tight nit.(and I have a LOT of family in the area.) I wish I could say the same for others though. TOO many still have the cranial/anus syndrome going on.

So, Friday night, how about a little break from the front lines and a glimpse of what may be headed our way.(and those fresh back from the sandbox don't need a reminder)


Mayberry said...

That is beyond frightening that the brainwashed leftists produced by our "education" system think that comes from the Founders, or the Constitution. Absolutely sickening....

Diogenes said...

There are so many aspects of our current society that, I guess 'horrify' me would be the correct word. This attitude of Entitlement is only one of them. Entitlements are the reason we are seeing the riots in Greece right now. And I can't say those rioting are wrong. They were promised something that they were paying into and are now being told they get the short end of the stick. I would be mad too.

Sounds a little like Social Security and Medicare doesn't it. Every one has been paying into it but only a few are going to be able to collect on it. Ponzi Scheme at its finest.

Lots of interesting times ahead of us, Keep the Barnacles off you boats. You may need the speed soon enough.