Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Primary Election cycle.

Went up the street today to the polling station today. Registered voter, no problems.


I am so sick of the game that is set up by those that have been in office since time out of mind. Closed party Primary voting. When you walk in you are offered all of the various party lines to choose from. ONE party line. Demon-Crat,RINO, Libertarian, Constitutional, Socialist, Labor, Green, Etc, etc, etc.

No Cross platform voting in the primaries. No write-ins. NO CHOICE.

Little to no choice, and even if you like two candidates from differing parties, TOO STINKING BAD. Party loyalty is the name of the game.

Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. I can't look at it any other way any longer. This Country is in the hands of the powerful and the foolish. Those that COULD make a difference are going to be buried under media hype, and money. The money from the PTB in position to keep the media trained on them and away from those that we need. Even if one starts to get ahead in the 'race', the media will brandish the sword of misdirection and cut them into little pieces to be scattered amongst the entitled.

The scam is in place, the national Ponzi scheme is quite advanced and ready to collapse and at this juncture, I am ready to cheer on a collapse in the worst way. I know that myself, my immediate family and several people I am close to would be ok. Not Perfect but ok. Heck, in some ways, maybe better off since we wouldn't be 'chasing the almighty dollar' and would be able to concentrate on getting what we need, not the latest and greatest whatever.

Yah, Very, VERY pissed off.

Maybe there will be an Election Revolution in November but to be honest, I ain't holdin my breath over it. I would rather spend an extra buck on the lottery. Better chance of hitting that than the seeing a turnaround in November. I am proud to be an American, don't get me wrong, I am ashamed of what America has become. Dammit, we were the shit at one point in time. Told a Seated King to shove it up his ass then proceeded to help him shove it there. We lost our asses for the first year of the war then turned the tide and busted some serious ass for the remainder. We then proceeded to become the biggest nation of FREE people and turned the entire world on its ear, becoming the base for world Economy.


Not so much. There are serious divisions in the populace. Those that remember and those that were taught something completely different. Those that are proud to serve, and those that serve because it beats being downtrodden in the ghettos.(ever notice that the majority of the enlisted come from either poor areas or areas that are known for supplying family traditions in the military?)(there are exceptions to that rule but generally speaking its true)

Whatever happened to kids learning like this?

Those were Americans that were proud to be American. Proud to actually accomplish something by their own hands without 'support' of the Gooberment. Proud of what our country represented and understanding of Civic Responsibility.(ask some kid on the street today about that. Most would stare blankly at you. But ask them about social justice and you would get a torrent of, something, but I wouldn't call it knowledge.)

Ok Rant over.

Update on last night. Homebrewed Beer Rocks. Woke up at 6 this morning after being pretty crocked up until pass out at 2AM, Bright eyed and Bushy tailed, no hangover. Way cool in my book.

1 comment:

chinasyndrome said...

All very true.Many are really hoping the next elections will change things.Not gonna happen.Even if Dems loose,we will not win.

No hangover,always cool!