Friday, June 4, 2010

Sick, and not in the body but the heart.

Gonna start this off with something that may make you sick too.

That is Helen Thomas under Barryboys wing for those that don't know. Here is what she had to say about things recently. This was linked on Sipsey St too so You may have already seen it.

Then we have this. WHO report I am Jacks raging sense of "Duh!"(sorry, had to get the Fight Club feel for that one.)

Affirmative action. Debate time, Good idea or racist mentality? Kagan has an opinion on it. My opinion is "What fucking planet were you born on you Schister?" There was an idea that should have been aborted before it made it to paper but of course, no one wanted to be labeled racist or anything so,,,, Once again, PC bullshit gets the sleeping giant right in the sphincter.

Then you read this. O'boy and the special forces.
Now, a quote from the article.
Special Operations commanders have also become a far more regular presence at the White House than they were under George W. Bush's administration,

Where do you think all of that is headed? I leave that one for others to figure out since I am already paranoid enough for three people.

And that is the news that set my neck hairs on end today. That whole Helen Thomas thing just made me sick to the core though.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Damn near everything makes me sick to the core these days...