Monday, June 14, 2010


That is my reaction to what the press, Talk Radio, and what not, when it comes to 'The Prez' and his incompetence.

Welcome to the "Duh" factor.

I am getting sick of all the bull, quite sick of it. I am hoping that my move to Southern KY will improve my attitude some. I am pretty confident it will since I will be surrounded by self sufficient people that really just want the same things I do. To Be left alone, to live life without some ignorant college grad without a clue telling them how to do something that they have been doing their entire lives.

Yeah, that sounds like the place for me. The entitled of this city really drive me up a frikken wall. What makes it worse is how many of the working people feel similar to those that don't work. Such a liberal city, or maybe I should say progressive. My take on it is "progressively into the sewer" but then, I am only one person with an "attitude". LOL Whatever.

Sorry for such a lame post but I felt I had to make a minor statement about things today. I will be back on later to post for tomorrow. I need a break from going through my junk trying to figure out what to keep and what to pitch/sell/give away. Time to empty the cup for a time while I establish my new world.

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