Sunday, September 19, 2010

Disgusted Sunday Drive/

Had to work today thanks (truthfully, Thank You) to the flu. Being part time, I look forward to others misery for my paycheck. Not trying to be callous, just honest.

During my drive, I was surfing the various radio stations, listening to the varied and widely spaced talk radio that I could find. One, a supposedly conservative station, was griping about ODonnell having 'dabbled in witchcraft' as admitted to Bill Mahr 'a couple of years ago'.

Umm, so the f#@k what? Having "dabbled" in anything is like saying she played with dolls. Probably, and again, so what.

What this really boils down to is an entrenched two party system that is feeling the pangs of loss of power. They will pull every dirty trick, underhanded maneuver, mud slinging act: in attempt to sway the sheeple into voting them back in. I have seen similar tactics against Rand Paul here in KY.

The only thing that I heard that made any sense to me was a statement about "education might work better without the Dept of (slavery) Education having control of the education system" (I also note, when statements like this are made, they never offer an alternative. That tells me that these are tactically placed wordings to swing the fence sitters. Hollow meaning at best, with no meat to back it up.)

Fact is, Voting for any of these people is a vote of consent NO MATTER WHO IS IN! If you give your consent, they have the power to do as they wish. I have an idea. Instead of voting this year, I say EVERY SINGLE PERSON STAY HOME ON NOVEMBER 2ND! What do you think they would do if that happened? Would it send enough of a message that we are sick of the shit?

It'll never happen. I know better than even wishing for it.

The sooner it all burns down and we can start rebuilding, the happier I will be. Until then, I won't hold my breath. I will be working my ass off getting my 'gulch' ready.

One advantage of being part time is having the time to be able to get somethings done on that. There is also the side benefit of a tighter budget to force me into getting creative on building materials. Living in KY, rocks are plentiful.(and if you have ever been here, you know I ain't kidding.) Bags of cement and concrete are still relatively inexpensive so the foundation will not be pored now. I figure that will shave about 5K off my actual costs but may add 6 months to the original time frame. (I find volunteers are scarce when it comes to working with stones) No worries, I have all the time in the world at this point. If things start to collapse, I will set up my septic system with stone also(the way it used to be done) If that takes too long, I will be forced to use a manufactured Septic to meet the only code I have to meet. That collapse is not coming fast enough for me on that note.


Mayberry said...

Yeah, I find the volunteers pretty scarce when real work is involved. Good post, coulda been one of mine!

chinasyndrome said...

Dio,you are right about that as long as we have a two party system we are fooked.Thats the way to do it Bro native materials,more labor but cheaper. Time vs money.Glad to hear its rolling along!
