Thursday, September 23, 2010

return of 'Dichotomy of Power'

This also a bit of an update.
I was able to contact a cousin in AZ, things are ok there, yet not. The media is completely glossing over things. I imagine in support of administrative views and to keep the populace sedated to reality.

But this post is about Power and how those that have it, feel justification in numbers, not results.
I have mentioned a particular boy that can't read, this concerns him somewhat.
Researching homeschooling 'rules' in KY shows that the only real concern is attendance. Nowhere in the laws is there any mention of actual education other than WHAT should be taught: that consists of one line and a triple redundant wording.
Is there any question why the education standard has fallen so low? When the standard is written "to make a good citizen", you have quite a bit of latitude in the end result. When required subjects are listed but not a mininum level of acceptable performance, you can get away with a lot.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Thinking people scare TPTB. Why would they want to create thinkers?

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