Saturday, April 24, 2010

And the attacks never cease.

Cruising through my daily reads I came across this at David C's "War on Guns".
Instead of tracking all the way through that to see the key point, go here for the video.(I tried embedding it but the code isn't working)

At one point, I liked Bill Maher. I thought he had some rather conservative points of view. I have since woke up and I see that he is either getting more Liberal or has been bought. Either scenario is bad but to see him hyping this crap really disturbed me.

The real issue is that this is what we are fighting. There are many that watch this and take it as Gospel. Instead of trying to see the other side of the issue or even doing a little homework, they take this as the end all statements of events. Those people comprise a large percentage of federal and state workers, and those on the public dole(but I repeat myself). I know this as my Ex is a big time Bill Maher fan to this day. These people represent a large majority of our population. Well over 50% though I couldn't come up with an accurate number without years of research. These are the people that are making decisions at the polling booths, in offices of state, and from the police cruisers on the street.

It gets a little disheartening to see this rhetoric being spouted, unsubstantiated, and unquestioned on a national TV show.

This man is not stupid, David even makes that statement in his article. Therefore, we have to assume that his actions are that of propagandist, leading to some other agenda. That is what we have in store for our future. Preps, planning, training are all well and fine but we do need to maintain the frontlines on the political front too. I know that I have been feeling a bit rundown over the whole mess for some time now but we can't back off. They NEVER stop and they most definitely outnumber us right now.(at least with the power to spread their messages they do.)
We have one major advantage over them. TRUTH. Our messages haven't changed. Leave us alone, Leave our money alone, Leave our kids alone, and leave our guns alone. Simple, with historical precedent to back up our convictions. They have historical precedent to shoot down their ideas but choose to ignore that, stating "It wasn't handled correctly" or "There wasn't enough money to make it work".

We know better.

We need to act better.

We need to stand our ground more. With more voracity than they.

We aren't furious enough even though many of us have had MORE than enough to set us on edge. I can't think of one blogger that hasn't stated "If they come for me, they are going to have a fight!" or something to that effect. WE are mad, tired and fed up with having our money taken to go to something that doesn't represent us, forces us to put up with things we wouldn't normally deal with, and threatens us with death if we don't comply.

Didn't our founders go ballistic over a 3% tax on tea? Didn't they say "Here is where you don't cross without retribution"?

Thats my run on seditious thought today. Its still running in my head but my language will go downhill from here if I continue.


Grumpyunk said...

I'm sorry but I tried to watch the video and never even made it past that Jackass who stated that the April 19th gathering in Virginia was to "Celebrate the Oklahoma City bombing".

So I have no idea what Bill said. Probably doesn't matter in the long run.

I share nothing more than a common language and border with these parasites and dream of the day that a meteorite scores a direct hit on Washington and/or New York City.

Diogenes said...

Lets leave the OR part out of the equation. They both need to go. And the Los Angeles Basin can be swallowed up by Momma Pacific for all I care. Three birds gone at that point and the healing could begin.

To reiterate, Bill stated that Obama in comparison of Ideologies, is a moderate Republican from the early 90's. I nearly lost my lunch at that point and that is also where the Vid cuts out. Paid shill or delusional prick? Who would know at this point but I have to lean with the first one as Bill isn't stupid.

Mayberry said...

Bill Maher has NEVER uttered a conservative thing in his life! He's always been a left wing Hollywierd loon....