Sunday, April 18, 2010

Waves of the future, now.

Flash Mobs. A recent trend that started as an artistic form in NY but has "evolved" in recent years. Especially with the speed of information transfer via cheap cellular technology.

This is the 6th time this has happened. The MSM's aren't really covering it for a couple of reasons the Remus states in this article.(FYI: He only updates once a week, typically on Thursdays but sometimes later)

I can understand the .GOV wanting to keep this under wraps to some extent. Without control of information transfer, they would be unable to defend against the modern Minuteman. There would be a network of those ready to report incidents and able to respond obviously. In the case above, the kids are typically unemployed, out of school and young enough to not care one iota about the repercussions. In the case of what it could do for a group of dedicated members of society spread throughout a city, well, think about Paul Revere and his midnight ride. How fast would the militia have been able to assemble if they all received a tweet instead of a crazed horseman riding through town in the dead of night? Our society moves at a much faster pace then that of our forefathers. Statement of the obvious but facts are facts. Sadly, even with our Tech and the internet, we aren't any better educated(actually the reverse when taken as a 'collective') Our Forefathers had a tactical advantage that we won't get to consider. The heads of the occupying force were across an ocean and information traveled quite slowly. Battles could take place and be decided a month before word came back to the person that had initiated it.

So why am I bringing this up? To be honest, I am not sure. I know that many that read this are preppers or already going Galt. We are not a militant force. We may be willing to go to arms in defense of us and ours, but how many would be willing to carry the fight to the enemy? I know my answer and I am sure you know yours, lets leave it at that.
I think that real reason for bringing it up is as a warning of what we can expect. These flash mobs could be called together quickly and without warning now, how will that effect logistics in the future when deliveries and the like are starting to become scarce? A flash mob could move on a convoy, deplete it (IE looting) and be gone before the local authority could respond. Even a 'protected' convoy could be overwhelmed quickly.(most of these mobs are in the hundreds to thousands and grow each time they form.) With that thought, Consider the golden hoard with telecommunications. Scary thought that, eh?

Next insomnia thought

24 hours till the Rally at Gravel Point. There has been a bit of a hullabaloo over this one. Ugly thoughts from the left to 'try' something, hoping the people attending it have itchy trigger fingers. People on our side that are offended at the castration of having an unloaded and flagged chamber on a weapon.(I agree, seems like you may as well be carrying a broomstick. Heck the broomstick would be a better weapon in that case; rifles make shitty clubs.) At least the rally on Gravel Point is with a display of weapons even if in spirit. The rally within the District of Criminals is completely unarmed. WTF is up with that. A 2A march NOT DISPLAYING ARMS? Our Forefathers would have an aneurysm.
I thought of going even with the restrictions in place. My choice really wasn't much of a choice though. Financially it just wasn't going to happen.

1 comment:

Bill Nye said...


This is why everyone in the blog sphere has creepy feelings right now.

Scroll down to the title Two Days to Remember.

The entire article is solid.