Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back in the saddle, for a bit longer.

Things are moved as needed and other items have been purchased in lieu of upcoming attractions(as will be witnessed by all in this country sooner than later.)

I mentioned that I had ran into a plethora of Libtards this week. I was going to waste a post about that but decided against it while working today. Fact of the matter, because of one of those "entitled", I am working right now. Only because a friend took over their position and I am in the process of cleaning up the lack of maintenance they left in their wake. Yay me for that little windfall.

Been listening to the Talking heads the last couple of days while running electric and rigging cures for age on hardware. What a waste of space and talent. Seriously, does anyone in this sphere think for one instance that the current Administration is going to let up on the Tax lines(cap and trade) or stacking the votes in their favor(Amnesty) or back to Nationalizing the (heavily Restricted) Free Market? I haven't any doubt that what we have seen up to this date from this Administration is even close to the end result they intend to reach. The Agenda they are striving for is far bigger than anyone of them could imagine or dream up alone. This is a mindset that has taken Decades and Generations to distill out into its present endeavor.

In a nutshell, I have to think that anyone thinking this can be voted out in November is in for one hell of a wake up call on November 3rd. The only intelligent thing I heard from the talking heads was from Rush today. He stated that we are not under a daily attack. We are under an Hourly Attack from the current 'Elites'. And we are. Every little thing they do needs scrutinized with a dissection knife, BEFORE they get a chance to push it through in the dead of night on a weekend of a holiday.

Then again, maybe we need to let them lead it to collapse so that we can clean the slate. Start over. We have a hell of a foundation to build from, the problem being the bricks that make up the people of this nation are sorely compromised. Too many feel that they are owed something for being Americans; no other reason needed. They fail to realize that true Americans are never 'given' anything other than their rights(by God and nature) and those can be taken away very quickly if not guarded with a jealous eye and solid force. True Americans work their way through the world without pity for their plight if not successful.

stop, breathe, step back a sec.

'K. Monday was the Rally in VA and it apparently went off with out fighting or bloodshed. Good thing. I think the left is realizing they are walking on eggshells again and are trying to figure some other way of 'opening the box' without getting their hands dirty. My personal opinion is that they want that box opened so they have reason to try and shut it. Like the Marxist line of thought about 'cleaning up the population' for reform: they know that we stand in the way of their utopia. They don't understand that we stand in the way of that pipedream because we know the end result of where it goes. We don't want to see another repeat of the same old song and dance. They just don't get it. Of course anyone with a mindset similar to mine is a racist, anti-humanitarian, bigoted, thick skulled, low tooth count redneck or some other similar slur they come up with.

Well, I guess its time to get around to the real point of this post. I think I am at the point where I am so tired of talking about it that I think I won't any longer. I am not going to go back to sleep(like that were even possible LOL) but I am not going to let it get to me any longer. They aren't going to stop until we stop them or we are killed in the process. That is just the plain simple truth. The economy is pretty much shit compared to 2 years ago. The job market in this area is a minefield for anyone, awake or not. Knowing that we are headed down doesn't fill me with hope nor dread any more. Its fact that is added into any equation I am trying to figure out about my pathway in life. Other than that, I only have to do my level best to avoid confrontation with those that LIKE the way things are going. My only fear is that having that confrontation, I could be persuaded into rash measures. Its not time to shoot the bastards yet(well, actually past time but I wasn't alive when it really needed to be done.) IMHO, we have only to wait and they will present us with more than enough targets in the future.

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