Monday, June 28, 2010

The week in Dio's new life.

Hey All, How has the world been doing while I have been absent?

From things that I have heard,

The usual suspects doing the usual Progressive crap. Gen. McChrystal getting reamed(resigning his post was the last rumor that I heard.) Obama stepping on toes, Rahm setting up to quit as the White House Chief of Staff. The Oil is still flowing like mad from the well in the Gulf. And there is now a tropical storm to contend with. (good luck to you Mayberry and any others that may be in the path of these things)

Seeing how I have been reading History books in my down time, I have figured out one thing.

Ain't nuthin new under the sun. Human nature changes very slowly, if at all.

The Romans went through this crap back before the time of Christ. Europe went through several phase of this before, during and often after the 'Dark Ages'.
Even America has gone through times such as this, Repeatedly. During the Lincoln Administration we had a large growth of Government. Under Teddy Roosevelt, we saw massive Unionization and Government intervention with Corporations among other things. Under Wilson, we saw the slaughter of the Gold Standard. (and while it wasn't perfect and could be manipulated by banks, it wasn't nearly as bad as the fiat toilet paper we call the dollar today)

And that only brings up 97 years ago.

Here we have a progressive/communist/socialist/nihilist/inexperienced charlatan in office, supported by a group of similar minded individuals that all feel that the Government is the answer to all of America's Ills.

I guess that history repeats itself and of course, the majority is deaf to its yells.

On a more personal note, things are going fairly ok here. Had two interviews this week and waiting on a third for that position. I have another interview scheduled for Monday for a different position. I have been helping my dad out as much as humanly possible: that can be kind of hard too. We are both rather specific about how things get done. Its amazing how you can be so attached to a set way of things.
The other thing that blows me away is how I can still be guilted into submission by him after all these years. I know I wasn't the greatest kid growing up. Hell, I was a complete nightmare most of the time. I would like to think that I have improved as an adult. Still, there are times where I may do something in a way that I find works for me, and he can give me feelings of inferiority with nothing more than body language. Never a word spoken, just the way he carries his shoulders, or walks.

LOL, I guess he trained me better than we both thought.

Sorry for the lack of posts but I know that I have filled in my current internet situation. I will try to catch up but this area most definitely does not move at the speed of the nets. (and I think I need it as I am much more relaxed than I was a week ago.)

Addendum: While enroute to an interview today, I heard that the Rats in the District of Criminals passed another midnight legislation of 2000+ pages.

My only question at this point is on that I think many have: "When is it time to start shooting?"


Ryan said...

Hope you get lots of great job offers.

Diogenes said...

Thanks Ryan.

The search continues. Looks like I may be signing on to the local Public Sector for a position. Guess I have to pull out my Gray Man attitude to 'blend in'. LOL Will be posting about that in a few days.