Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Calling a range day.

Tomorrow is range day. Its time to burn up some angst by abusing pieces of paper at a distance.
Being unemployed it may not make for good budgeting but what the hell. Everybody needs a release now and again.

Here is some of what I read today that got the blood to boil a little. (all while I am also reading " A Patriots History of the United States")

This from Billy Beck over at 2-4
His article links to THIS which in the Int3rw3bz just leads to further reads and more blood boiling.

On a lighter note I did find this that had me giggle quite a bit and lead me to e-mail the author in appreciation. Yes it still follows the same theme of my day but in a much more snarked way.

So in appreciation of the founding fathers, the minutemen and all the support that they had while dealing with a tyrannical gubbmint, I will follow suit tomorrow in the only way I can (at present) and shoot some hole in a piece of cardboard. Figure I haven't touched the pistol in a few weeks so I will pull out the Taurus and put a couple of Mags through her too. In Tams words, "shooty goodness all around!"(and yes reading Tams tales of shooty good weekend gave me the urge too. Nothing like the smell of gunsmoke in the morning. Almost better than coffee. Almost.)

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