I started out on the 25m range to run the pistol through its paces first while I was waiting for the sun to rise a bit so I wasn't blinded on the 100m range. Here are the results of that. Not too bad considering I am shooting a Taurus Millinium Pro .40 cal with a 2 1/2" barrel.
Here is the first set from the SKS at 100m I had fired a few warm up rounds at a larger target to get a feel for the wind. While doing that I realized that the front post was causing me to unfocus. I went ahead and replaced it(formerly 3/32") to one that is smaller (1/32"). Much happier with the results of the change.
Here is 20 rounds Rapid fire at 100m. Had 2 flyer's that were right on the edge of the paper so I am not disappointed with the results.
Considering that this is a 1954 SKS out of the Tula arsenal and has never been refurbished, I am not one bit disappointed with the results. The only modifications that I have made other than the stock was to replace the original rear sights with a set of TechSights. This opens up the sight picture a full 10" and makes fine tuning the POI easier as it has adjustable windage and elevation. One other factor to consider is that I am shooting Wolf black box pretty much exclusively. I have a few hundred rounds of Good Hungarian ammo but I would prefer to hang on to that for a later date when its needed(for whatever it may be needed for.)
EDIT NOTE: I did do the trigger work and it now has a 12# pull compared to the original 34# pull. Polished the Sear and Hammer faces so it doesn't feel like you are dragging over gravel. MUCH nicer. The improvements show from the original shots at the range where with Quality ammo I was only able to Hit paper without holding a pattern at all.
So while on my way home I over heard that the CEO of Freddie Mac commmited suicide last night. I notice that no one is speculating why he did himself in. I guess that when you only off yourself its depression and when you off yourself and others its a psychosis and not Angst.
Sadly I see more of this kind of thing happening more in the near future. I think that we will see more mass shootings and more high profile suicides. The mass shootings I can see being grabbed up by the MSM's to help push the gungrabber agenda. I can also see the suicides being swept under the rug as best as possible to try and keep mass panic about the economy from spreading. Just my opinion.
PS: was doing an inventory tonight and realized that MAYBE its time to lay off the range trips for awhile. I am still sitting on a decent amount of ammo but I am under a 1000 rnds in both pistol and rifle rounds(though over a 1000 total.) It amazes me still how quickly rounds can go down range(no pun intended) Ah well. We learn more than just shooting skills while at the range. Lessons in respect, safety, economics, history, Human nature, Mother nature, you name it you can learn it at a range. My Lessons today were economics, and self awareness. Lessons learned AGAIN.
1 comment:
Good shooting Diogenes
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