I have little to comment on current events as they lay right now in time. I am seeing parallels to the Carter years though on an escalated scale and it makes me wonder what really is going on behind the scenes. Not that there is one wit that I can do to change things so little matter to me in the grand scheme of things. I continue to further my skill set and stock pile what I can get my paws on while/when available.
I am perturbed by reports of what is going on in Iran though not as some would consider it. I see a force of people that are waking up to "enough is enough" and making attempts to do something about it. What disturbs me is how the American people are responding to it.(or lack thereof as the case may be) I do not believe that we should have any say in the way that they deal with this situation as it is THEIRS to deal with, not ours. On the same note though, I see the American public shocked by the fact that a people of another nation would brave the police to vocalize their opinions. It really shows how spineless a good majority of the American populace has become.
Sadly this is the state of the nation except in isolated pockets throughout our lands.
On a different note though I have added a piece to my little arsenal today.
Meet the new addition.
There were three at the gunstore and I picked each one over with a fine tooth comb before I chose this one. I will be taking her to the range tomorrow along with the SKS for my Fathers Day treat.(like I really needed another excuse to get to the range. lol) And Yes I am prepared for an entirely sore shoulder from this one. Comparing the 7.62X39 to the 7.62X54 by nmber is like saying a .22 is similar to a .223. NOT! Seeing the two rounds side by side is like David and Goliath on the field.
I will be posting some pics from my trip tomorrow (it will be late as I am going to visit my Sister afterwards. I know that I don't post much personal stuff but for those that care Her husband was diagnosed with lung cancer and a bone tumor in his temple recently. If you would put them in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.)
That's a good looking M44. You can't go wrong with a Mosin.
It has been kind of hectic here, too. Just the time of year,I wonder.
I got those videos on field stripping weapons off youtube, so my only real contribution was in putting them all in one place, but I thought they might come in handy.
What, the cat?
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