Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Bound and happy about it.

Not much to post about, just lots of white fluffy stuff falling out of the sky. For the most part this would suck for me but being unemployed, I don't have to be out in it if I so choose. About the worst I have to deal with is a grumpy old cat that seems to think I am playing a cruel trick on him. He swears that I have control over the outside thermostat. Mostly he sleeps but when he is awake, its outside time. Then he sees the snow,,,,

I hear about it for about 45 minutes, that the door to summer is somewhere and I am hiding it. Its all my fault that he has to use the catbox(yuck!) and that there is a special place for tricksters of my lineage in hell. LOL He gets over it eventually (when spring hits and the rains do the same thing. Then its a different gripe) and I deal with him as best I can when it gets like this.(usually by tossing him in a drift when he gets really obnoxious) He has been my buddy for 12 years now and I rather like the old fart: So he stays. I guess He likes me somewhat too. Still, its my fault the snow is falling.

Been reading posts from all around the nation, seems this is a pretty nasty year for winter storms. I wonder what Al Gore is doing about that whole global warming thing and how he is going to spin it up that this is a direct link to that mess. Personally I could care less about the snow. I remember how fun it was as a kid and I am certain that the kids now, find it just as much fun.(I hope so anyway, Get 'em of the video games for awhile) Its a pain for us Adults that have to go out in it to earn a living(when we are working that is) but then, getting up everyday to make ends meet gets to be a pain every once in awhile too.

So what do I do when the weather keeps me in? I do A LOT of reading. Its not all fiction either, though I do break every so often to read something mindless. Can't be all study and no play. This week it has been Math; boning up on that since I am trying to get into calculus and Trigonometry. Machining skills is another that I have been boning up on though I need lathe and mill time to make that one stick. I have been trying to get something other than politics into my brain for awhile. The politics of the day can poison a mans soul. I noticed that I was starting to get short with everyone recently and that was the reason.

I don't hold much hope for the way things are going, not in the slightest. I see bad times coming. That's the main reason behind most of my studies recently. I see a time coming where things are going to have to take a step back to be functional. I recently picked up these books to get some insight in how things were done back during the height of the Industrial Revolution when we didn't have computers, or other things that we take for granted now(like Electricity) It amazes me the details that the machinists' of the day were capable with such crude tools. Yet if it weren't for those tools, we wouldn't be able to create Microchips with tens of millions of connections on them.

I am going to leave it at this for now, time to go toss a cat into t a snow drift. Every one stay safe if you have to get out in this mess. If you don't, STAY HOME, get into a book that you have never read.


Anonymous said...

I like cats too. I've gotten fond of the ferret my daughter left with us over the holidays. The good thing about animals, is that however you are, that's good enough for them.

Anonymous said...

You been following the JXe StXck incident? Sounds to me like your analysis and his dovetail, and I agree with yours. But it's not a good subject to bring up on line. If an email sent to me by a friend is true, and he should know, the government is looking for positive blogging comments in order to add the blogger to their list of malcontents.