Friday, October 22, 2010

Trembles of despair

I spent most of this last week elbow deep in metal shavings (chips to those that work metal) vernier calipers, machinist blue, and cutting oil. Grinning ear to ear for it too.

But I had a moment of despair fall upon me during one evening during the evening coffee fix.

Most evenings, we meet up with others from the family at my uncles house (which used to be my grandmothers) for coffee and lie swapping. Of course the Monkeypoo flinging season has effected most with the bug (must be the fumes off the poo) and politics was brought up.

The level of ignorance of how the political machine works, what socialism TRULY is, how money is "created" and just what makes an entitlement a bribe; really astounded me. Granted, I now live in what could be called a VERY Democrat laden part of the country, and always has been. The fact that KY is called a ' Commonwealth' should have tipped me off to just how twisted some of the thinking can be.

Fact is, one of my cousins (I think? hard to follow all the family lines) was all about fiscally conservative principles UP TO the point where I mentioned some of my ideas on how to fix Social Security. BAM! those walls came flying up and he started talking about how some people have too much freedom and that we need more laws to keep things the way they are supposed to be and how maybe the Russians had it right with communism.


I have no clue where any of that came from with the original conversation but damn! Talk about cooking my goose before they got the feathers off; I was left sitting there with my coffee in one hand, my pipe in the other, wondering just what happened.

There are far too many people that have been seduced by the prospect of SSI. Far too many that are receiving SSD that shouldn't be and many more that are trying to find ways of 'getting on the dole'.
That well is empty and even when the numbers are shown, none of these people seem to understand that to 'receive' someone has to 'give'.

There isn't much left to give so the Gubment 'Takes' to give.

Whats the solution?

Seriously, does anyone really have one?

The only thing I can come up with, without resorting to outright killing that is; Raise the next Generation to understand the concepts that the Indoctrination System refuses to expose to each successive generation; the truth. Wait for those that refuse to understand to die off and try, try, try, to teach them the error of their ways till then.

I know, waste of time, easier to teach a pig to sing.

I will go ahead and do what I can on the personal level and teach my progeny the facts as I perceive them, teach them to think for themselves and question everything until they achieve a truth of their own. I can't see anything else to do.

Until our current situation starts to spiral out of control, nothing can be done to stop the current escalation of events. Once things do start that swirling motion, it will be up to individuals to keep little slices of sanity alive and well. We can't do a damned thing for the bigger picture as individuals.

Back to making chips. At least there, I have some sanity from this mess. I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing shit like what is going on in France?


Mayberry said...

Man, I would have come unhinged... Family or no, I would have been hurling profanities in every direction and not gave a damn who got "offended". I'm pretty sure my face would have been beet red with veins sticking out of my forehead. Probably foaming at the mouth as well. You got patience my friend. Me, I'm Irish...

chinasyndrome said...

Dio,damn Bro I guess we all have one like that.I think maybe they haven't really thought through what they are saying? Well at least ya got them metal shavings to make you smile! Hopefully not long cause this two party thing ain't gonna fix nothing!
