Friday, September 11, 2009

Crazy weekend ahead.

Much going on this weekend. The 912 project and many other grassroots organizations are marching on D.C. this weekend. Sadly I am unable to attend this event though my spirit soars when I think of the number of conservatives going there to shout at the devil this weekend. I fear though that following this event, the PTB are going to ramp up the agenda push. This is like a shot in the dark for them to let them REALLY know that we are mad as hell and come next year there will be a culling of those up for re-election. They haven't much time to play their cards without receiving much resistance.

On the home front I am moving the donor vehicle to a closer location so that I can really dig into the repairs that I need to make on my truck. If my foreboding is correct I am going to need a VERY reliable vehicle that is capable of off road use. Currently I am not able to use the 4X4 on this truck due to mismatched axles. One thing I really do not like about were I live is a decent work site for automotive repairs. One thing I do miss about living out west was the Repair bays for rent. If I were a little better off Financially I would look into investing in something like that here. With the economy tanking around here there is a demand for such places. As it is though most of what I am bringing home now goes to invest in building my 'compound'. LOL Like its going to be that but its fun to think of. Still there will be more workshop on site there than actual home. I am such a tinkerer that I have to keep my shops seperate from my living space or I never get any sleep. I tend to push through projects to completion at the cost of eat and sleep. My one quirk that shows my obsessive compulsive disorder.(Tesla and Edison were the same way I hear. )

No range trip this weekend due to a full schedule. I will be showing my face at the local meetup for the 912/Beck show tomorrow. After that it will be stripping as many useful parts off the donor in preparation of actual repair. I still need to manage getting to see Granbehbie and Daughter at some point. Granbehbie has a new word too. Heard her saying it on the phone tonight. "uh-oh" Too cute too. She is totally showing her mother who really is in charge over there too. LOL.

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