Friday, August 20, 2010

“There aughta be a law”

How many times have I heard that in my lifetime? Probably enough that if I were paid a silver dime for each of them, I would be a VERY rich man. There are other 'progressive' statements such as that one, yet this one hit me broadside yesterday. Not a personal experience but something that brought the idiocy of that statement home to me. I won't go into details as it is not relevant to the point I am trying to make here.

The point of this is very basic, and so simple as to be shrugged off as 'too simple'. Laws are written to help protect people from the travesties of other people. At least that was what I was taught in school a couple of decades or more ago. In mere observation without analyzing that statement, one doesn't see how inherently wrong it is. The most a law can do is make it so that there is something written to help incarcerate or punish those that have done wrong. Nothing more. “if it ain't in writing, its fair game” This is simply a lawyers way of 'getting the client off the hook'. While I was in Boot Camp on Parris Island, our senior DI made a comment to a few of us that the rules weren't being drilled into us as guidelines; they were being drilled into us to show us what we could get away with. THAT is how I think lawyers are trained/schooled. Of course the saying of, “locks keep honest people, honest” applies to this thought line. People are taught early on (most decent people anyway) how to get along in society by being polite, following the rules, avoiding wrong doings, etc etc. Fact of the matter now, we are all criminals by the time noon rolls around EVERY SINGLE DAY! There are more laws on the books in every state, local, and federal level, that lawyers have to specialize to know the loopholes in specific situations. It matters not what you do, somewhere, on some level, you break a law simply by living your life. If it was shooting that starling out of your cornfield, you are a federal criminal. If it was spraying that used waste oil on your gravel driveway to kill the weeds, you are a Federal criminal (and some would say an Eco-Terrorist). Local laws tend to be a little more forgiving but not always. State laws can be just as convoluted and contradictory as the Federal level laws. And not one person knows or can know ALL of the laws on the books today. The Police have it worse since they no longer actually "Police" so much as collect taxes. TANJ

“What to you call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.”
“How can you tell when a lawyer/politician is lying? His lips are moving”(and I just broke a law there: Gender discrimination!)

I have to laugh about it. I can't do anything else anymore. WE have allowed the Republic to be absorbed into a democracy. Democracies FAIL. They can't do anything else. Its like a star that has burned all of its fuel up. It eventually falls prey to that pesky little law of gravity and collapses upon itself. It collapses so far and becomes a ball of interstellar waste or explodes from internal pressures. We are seeing the collapse starting. Will we explode or fall into further complacency, becoming another junk country with no clout? ( just for the record, I think the entire mess of laws needs scrapped and redone. Keep it to less than 10 pages as a trial period(three decades with option to make permenant) and see how things go. I would bet that this country would take off the same way it did after the founding.)

I dunno, and frankly, I could care less anymore. If people around me continually use phrases such as the one above, we are doomed to a history of repetition.(oh, wait, we already are repeating history) So long as 'Mrs. Grundy' thinks she can dictate what I do behind closed doors, we will never get out of the hole we have allowed to be dug. I am a conservative in many aspects but I am a liberal when it comes to how I wish people could live together.(think Heinlein) I think we have some asinine social standards that are completely unnatural. And to apply “Majority Rule” laws to those standards is a crushing blow to freedom.

Freedom to me is the understanding of responsibility to your species, your family and your self. IF you believe in a higher power (IE: GOD) than you could insert that scope also. Nationality is a personal choice that applies whole of that code (even though we didn't have a personal choice in our native nations). Everything that is considered a 'Right' in the BOR is a correlation of the above. Self defense (BOR 2A)is a right of survival, all others are only there to protect a society that is no longer existent. Our founders understood that a moral and civic minded people could keep a Republic alive. We are no longer a nation of Moral or Civic minded people. We have individuals that are, but as a people; Not even close.

I have thought about what I can do as a single soul in an ocean of ignorance. The best I can do is fend for my bloodline, and continually bail the water of ignorance out of our life raft. I keep trying to educate others on things but there is only so much one person can do. There are far too many that completely absorbed the progressive mindset of a nanny state. Far too many that have never had a single thought that something is wrong with the way things are now. They keep their noses to the grass and ignore the wolf watching intently. They don't see that the sheepdogs (police) are really the underling wolves. They don't see that the grass is really not all that plentiful either. Or that the grazing land is over-trodden by other sheep and that the number continues to get larger every year.

My wrap up: Break it all down. There are far too many that are willing to sacrifice free thinkers, such as myself and others that read these posts, for their own 'safety'. I saw a commercial tonight that stated “Everyone deserves safety”(emphasis mine). I cry BULLSHIT on that one. You deserve the right to be slaughtered at the alter of the IRS if you believe that thought. You deserve what you work for, nothing more. If you won't get off your duff to do something for yourself, then you get what you deserve. It's a cruel world and if you don't attempt to make yourself safe in it, why expect others to make you safe?

Break it all down.

Those that live through it, will more than likely have a far greater understanding of what it means to be truly free. Freedom is hard work, short and simple.

But the rewards are far more worth it to me, than life as a slave in a slaughter pen.

Addendum: Personal observation. I just came from another job interview and I think I am not going to get it due to the "ch'ain't from 'round here, r-ya" syndrome. I can't say I blame any one person for that either. I have a cultured voice in a county with a hard twang. I can't alter my inflection or dialect without great effort and that would show as a dishonesty. If I don't get the job due to that fact, no harm, no foul. I have work already. Just looking at something a bit better in pay and more hours to boot. I will say, the voice works well in the entertainment industry(radio voice thing) but sucks when it comes to having to 'root, hog or die'. It tends to throw a wrench into job negotiations. If you sound better educated (true or not) than the person conducting the interview, well, you have a problem that resembles a brick wall. No one ever wants to hire someone that threatens their job title.


Mayberry said...

Excellent post Dio. Keep pluggin', we might just wake a few folks up...

Diogenes said...

Wish I could get in more than one or two a week. As is, I keep trying and getting a little better each one. Thanks for the back slap on that one. We will wake up more as we keep going(I know my hits keep getting larger though I rarely get linked to)