Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mery Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Good woods time was had and I have a better mental shape to start heading into the New Year with.

I hope all had good times with their families, Ate way too much food and regretted it, and Shared at least good Solid Hugs with those you love.


Anonymous said...

2009 wasn't that great a year and I won't miss it. On the other hand, I can't see many indications that 2010 will be all that great either. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Diogenes said...

I have to say that 2009 was pretty crappy from several standpoints. Funny though that necessity was brought forth in my world and I now have a clearer picture of at least a direction I am headed in. So long as things remain at this level or improve(economically) I will be ok. Sadly though, I have to agree that the state of things to come is not looking very bright. Wait and see, and keep your friends close.