Saturday, July 9, 2011

What a world.

I find the silence of the people in this country just a bit disturbing. The antics or our President; the Twitter soft "town hall", his use of AF1 for his current campaign (granted all of em are guilty of this one). The antics or our Quite Liberal Government (on both sides of the aisle), The abandonment by the churches (both Bill and Ann cover this one this week.)

Hell, even this little tidbit got my goat this morning.(that in reference to my last post)

And yet, other than a few bloggers, NOTHING. Not a peep. I am sitting here at a fast food joint stealing WiFi listening to the jabberjaws on FOX chattering up, with much enthusiasm, the crap about the 'food police' and how the Gov wants to cut funding to them. (Good say I, but I am just a little shit in a big toilet bowl.) Yet, again, Nothing about what is really going on. The directions that are being herded along with no chance for course correction. How can a change be made when the problems are blatantly avoided by those that MIGHT be able to make a difference? It can't. Plain and simple. The fact that these events are being manipulated and ignored selectively, is proof positive that there is driving force behind it and that it is towards a given end. There is one aspect that I think those responsible fail to see. That is the simple fact that Humans are individuals first and while you can herd them along for some time, eventually some are going to see the cliff and your stampede will shift course against your designs.

I know a few are seeing the cliff. Many are seeing that the grass is giving away to rocky ground but they haven't looked far enough forward yet to see said cliff. Then you have all of the followers that only see the ass of Lady Gaga and nothing else. No cliff, no rocks, everything is good, follow the herd.

And on that note, A little trip back to the 80's for ya.

Enjoy. (and this is how I wish we could deal with stupidity some-days.)

(and for those that aren't familiar with Gwar, Art students with a really sick sense of humor. Good people though. )


Soffitrat said...

You're right about the herd mentality. One such rocky change in scenery will be the refusal to extend unemployment benefits. That will wake up many to the upcoming cliff, and is but one move available to BHO. Oh, you can bet that he's got one in mind, with the intent of sewing discord and civil uprisings on a rather massive scale. And that will suffice in an EO delaying the upcoming elections. Unfortunately, as you say here, this will only result in the cattle stampeding straight at the WH, with him in it. Unintended consequences... Anyhow, those in the uprisings will give cover to both sides in the coming conflict. I cannot believe that the government will be the only one preparing for the violent confrontation, the real outcome of this leftist mischief. When this happens, be sure to watch the same brave, protesting, cows run for cover when the real SHTF. They'll probably (at that point) stampede themselves right off the cliff anyway.

Mayberry said...

I say we kick back and enjoy the show. Hell, it was funny when Wil-E-Coyote went off the cliff wasn't it? Yes, I'm a bit snarky today. Only because I'm in a good mood : )

Soffitrat said...

I'm afraid that we'll be too busy, Craig, to sit back and enjoy. You see? We will be the one's on the other side. Getting ready to confront.