Words are all we have right now. We all may be stocked up on ammo, have a plethora of guns in the safe and in the racks, Preps of food in place, etc etc. Yet when it comes to the current 'war', all we have are words.(fair warning, I am not editing my words tonight so if you are easily offended, go away till tomorrow)
Yet the enemy of our beliefs and principles have control of the 'Big Guns', IE the Media that currently feeds a pretty good chunk of the population. That chunk also doesn't like to get off their duff to investigate truth: Taking the word of the News as gospel. Even when a news piece is questionable, if the media lords don't follow up on it, the population won't either.
Bashing William covered this today to some extent too. Yes, we are all tired of shooting the same targets on the same range, with the same ammo, under nearly identical conditions.(our words) We don't seem to get any headway towards getting the beast under control with the only weapons we are able to use at this time. I have heard the old song and dance of 'if you don't speak out, you haven't tried' just a little too often. I have spoke out, I have attended these protests, I was attending the End the Fed protests BEFORE the TEA parties became fashionable. I am sick of watching the PTB get away with public rape of this country. It doesn't matter what party is in power the same things happen. Maybe at different pace's but NOTHING EVER GOES AWAY once it is written into 'law'.
Mayberry has done a couple of Rants on "I AM DONE" and I agree with him completely. I am done. I have been working under the table for various peoples since this time last year. I am doing ok with it. Am I getting ahead? Not really, but then I am not looking at getting ahead at this time. Just getting by is enough to let me coast through till either this mess blows up, or I can get into my house that I want to build.(I have the land already) I have enough time out of the loop since I am not on that Ratwheel to see just how Fucked up a Welfare state really is. Second and Third Generation Scum soaking up the almighty dollar from Uncle Sugar, while at night they supplement their 'income' with drug sales or other crimes. I see hardworking people that have been so totally screwed in the regular work place, that scramble gathering scrap metal just to keep food on the table: Too proud to go on the public dole(and I cheer and cry for them at the same time)
I don't really know why I am writing this as I know everyone that reads this blog(all three of ya LOL) already feel, see, hear the same things. Each area of the country has a little different 'flavor' to it but the key ingredients are the same. Suck 'em in, get 'em hooked, get the vote.
And now they want to mess with Immigration Reform.
There is a lot about that mess on the webs and to tell the truth, what happened in Arizona has me torn. Part of me thinks its the best damned thing that has happened there in some time. Another part of me sees it as a prelude to more of a police state. Every law on the books has the ability to be completed twisted out of context. Especially 2000 pages ones. The law in AZ is only 17 pages long and seems pretty contrite in its wording. I don't know how long it will actually be viable before the FedGov steps in and plays pappabear on it, but how long would it be before some Liberalprogressivecommunistsocialistpunkassfuck in the legislature of AZ decided it needed amended. Either way, the people lose. Not just the "undocumented workers".
Just some ideas in my head
Legalize the drugs. They weren't illegal in the early parts of the last century and there wasn't a whole lot of problems. There are issues that would need addressed but In consideration, Trivial to the shit we have now. Arizona wouldn't be stuck in the middle of a Cartel war for example.
Close down the welfare system: Get a fucking job you slack ass piece of shit. Want more money? Work harder, better, smarter, better than the guy next to you. Simple.
Healthcare: Part of that is covered under the last one. Tort reform needs enacted, Let the DOCTORS set up the standard for the Insurance agencies, not some Bureaucrat that never held a scalpel or even looked into open body cavity.( Medicare is the standard that the Insurances use now and thats why things get so weird.) There was a system of Charity Care before the Regulators got their paws in this mess. That would come back if the industry weren't forced to accept it. It would also mean that more people wouldn't lean on the ER as a 24 hour clinic all the time.(think it doesn't happen, volunteer at a local hospital one night. You would be SHOCKED at the stupid screw ups that wander in there for the most mundane crap)
Education: This one is a bit harder. It would require us to fall back to when Families stayed together and the Grandparents had more of hand in helping raise the kids. Public schools were for the basics (those three R's) and 8th grade was it for most kids. High School was for those that wanted to continue on to the higher education of Colleges. Home schoolers know that our system is so degraded that coming back from it would require it to be shut down, and an entire new army of teachers trained for it. I think the public schools should be on a community basis(as many feel they are, mistakenly) and if a school is failing to uphold the standards of that community, then they decide how to make the changes,(again, not some cumguzzler in a suit that never once successfully did squat in that area)
NO LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS: Yes that goes for the Supreme Court too. Each president will get to choose 9 judges. Heres the catch: They don't take their seats UNTIL that president leaves office, passing along to the next dude in the chair. No its not perfect but you won't end up with justices getting senile either. There may be another way but that one is my idea and feel free to shoot it full of holes.
Lets be frank about it. The system is so far out of whack with what the Founders intended, we need to scrap it, start anew. We have seen how the intent was able to be fucked over; lets make the changes in the new system to avert it in the future.
But words are all we have.
for now.