Monday, April 12, 2010

This is more what I Fear over the Tin Foil Hat dogma

Like I said in the last Post. This country is going down the tubes. The people with their hands on the controls are not the people that make up the country though. They are only the Direct symptom of the disease that has infected the country. These people were elected.(for what its worth, I don't think our election system is viable anymore. It is showing signs of being corrupted itself.) Now they have the power to appoint positions that are unelected and unaccountable.. THOSE are the people we have to worry about.

FEMA, Patriot Act, AWB(and its ilk) are all violations of Constitutional order. But the PTB ignores that one Piece of Paper(and seeing how the ink is so faded on it, small leap to see they feel its time to discard with it all together. Only those of us that still believe in it keep it from the fire) These are all symptoms of what has befallen this country. We are but shadows of the people that made this nation from the ground up and fought a superpower to create a New Nation.

I think our time is coming but I think we need to focus on the why of it, not sordid little details that are at best, false.

In the end, God will have a say in it all,

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