Monday, April 26, 2010

Blogger getting funky again.

I just logged on and saw that Follow list is empty. WTF? I have a few that I follow and not one is there now. I know that I hadn't made any changes in the last few days so this isn't something I did by mistake.

I will give it 24 hours though before I do anything. Maybe they did something on the serverside and its having effects downstream. Seen some weird stuff with blogger but its free so you put up with silly shit on occasion.

Post posting script: Fixed. and it didn't take 'em 24 hours this time.


Mayberry said...

Yeah, folks bitch about Blogger, but like ya said... It's free....

chinasyndrome said...

Just catching up on my reading.Dude your post from the 22nd is right on the money.
