Friday, April 30, 2010

Opinion or Defense

In Verbal 'Discussions' or debates: Is it Opinion or defense when you continue to forcefully voice your message, even to the point of over-talking your opponent?

I won't go into what brought this to mind but it has come to my fore-brain. It seems to me that Liberals of all colors and stripes, tend to that form of "debate" and it irritates the living shit out of me. In the real world, I tend to be rather opinionated, but soft spoken and rather reserved in response. So much so that those that actually learn to get along with me cease talking when I have something to say. It tends to have some serious weight to the discussion. Back in my Liberal/Revolutionary days, I would spout at the mouth, without much forethought, and had my dick stepped on more than a few times in the process.(thank God too, I would never have woken up to reality otherwise) Now, I take the time to learn as much as I can about as much as possible so that I have a leg to stand on when push comes to shove in discussions.

I also find it rude when someone interrupts, over-talks, blocks voice, whatever you want to call it. Rude enough that I have been sorely tempted to bitch-slap said offender on more than a few occasions. Maybe its just further sign of how far down the path we have come towards the ending of this great nation. I forget who said it but, One of the first signs of societal failure is loss of respect for your fellow citizens. We are seeing that particular symptom en masse now. Daily, I even hear it on Talk Radio from supposed conservatives. I realize at some point you have to pick up and use the weapons of your enemy to win the fight. Sadly, we are having to revert to that basest of crap to get our points across.

I wonder what the Libtards will do when we go back to actually picking up the real weapons of war to make our points?

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