Friday, November 12, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

It cost me but I think its going to be better this way. I splurged on a netbook and figure it will be easier to carry it around than lugging that monster laptop that I own that let me down. This little beastie is pretty amazing all in all but it has a surprise headed at it.

Linux Mint.

(I know I could have spent a bit less but I figure I can squeeze a couple more years out of the old book if I don't go lugging it around the countryside everyday when it doesn't get on the net now without a USB dongle.)

I hate all of the proprietary crapware that most manufacturers are installing on units nowadays. That and dedicating a large section of the HDD to a recovery portion is just silly. I know how to back up my files and do so religiously. I keep 2 1Tbyte externals for just that purpose(now that they are getting within a reasonable monetary range. Used to be a couple of old drives that I salvaged out of other PC's) One is dedicated to disc images and the other only to media. I have quite a bit of music and movies and scanned books that I really don't want to have to replace. It also allows me to leave quite a bit of room in the onboard disc for when I need to download.

Yeah, I know; I am a geek. LOL

Anywhoos, I am back, once I catch up, I will be posting again. Tonight is dedicated to making this little monster into something the techs at HP have night sweats about. MuuuaHahahahHHAHHHHaaaaaa!

Will be back on soon. Time to go play catch up before I warp this things world.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Welcome back Dio. Glad you got your issues resolved!