Monday, November 22, 2010

Roadsign: Wordspill ahead, procede with caution.

This whole TSA thing is really bringing a lot of things to light. Bring it up in discussion with others and you will start to get a real feel for what side of the fence they belong. And quickly I might add. Many are horrified by it, others, not so much. Its the 'not so much' group that bothers me. So many of them will drop it into the "doesn't effect me" file since they don't fly, for whatever reasons. But the fact is, it does effect them, if not directly, now, certainly in the near future: and that future is coming like an out of control locomotive with a psycho at the throttle.

The question I posed to myself last night, after making that quick little post directing you to other locals and links, was this: HOW, did we come so far down the road to complete loss of freedom and liberty?
We all know the answer, some are more in-tune to it than others. I have been skirting it for about 2 years now(and I freely admit it) If it weren't for a comment in a past post from Mountain Rifleman, I may not have put it all together.(well, I am not stupid, I just do stupid things sometimes. I would have eventually put it all together.)

Personal Responsibility. It all boils down to that. For so long, Far too many in this country have had the "Its not my responsibility" attitude. In this they have allowed someone else to take that role. That someone else is our government. Once Governments gain control of ANYTHING, they are quite unwilling to let go of it. Its like feeding a stray dog. The more you give, they more they take; until all they want is to take it all. Our country was founded by Self reliant people, that had well founded sense of Responsibility. They didn't need some cop to make sure that they were covered in case of accident/fire/theft/indian uprising/ etc etc. They took it into their own hands to make sure that things 'were taken care of'.

Todays world, not so much. How many people do you know that haven't the foggiest idea of how a car functions? I am not talking about the finer points of the Internal combustion engine, I am talking about simple mechanical points. Far too many know how to put gas in, turn the key to start and run, and if things don't work, call a tow truck and get ready to shell out a lot of money. Nothing more. Most haven't a clue how to figure out if a battery is dead, or what not. They would rather 'let someone else take car of it'. Granted, with the growth in technology, there are many many things that you have to rely upon others to keep in tune. Cars are no exception in this. Yet the basics are still there. Check your tires, check your oil, and yet there are many that don't even know how to open the hood, let alone how to check the basics. They have allowed themselves to fall below the level of personal responsibility.(can also be read as self reliance)

The TSA is just a symptom of a much bigger problem. Even if that symptom looks disgustingly like a hemorrhoid, it is still just a symptom. Let me step back 9 years to an incident we all remember. 9/11. 4 planes (and we are going to assume for the sake of argument, no conspiracies here.) 4 targets. Only three were hit. That fourth plane made a rather large hole in the ground. Not due to the ineptness of the highjackers/terrorists. Nope, due entirely to the fact that someone on that plane made a decision to not sit by like a sheep but to fight back. That person started a revolt on that plane that kept the body count down to low numbers. We will never know just what happened, but the fact that (and this was before the TSA, remember) someone got up and said, "you want to kill me, fine, but I am not going down without a fight" just illustrates what a RESPONSIBLE person is capable of. This person didn't sit around to be hung/shot/burned/stabbed. He/she got up and took the elephant by the tusks and started swinging. End result: Fewer people died that day.

We can scream all we want about how we are being violated by the TSA, Our Government, etc etc Ad nauseam. Fact is, we, as a people, have allowed this to happen. Even asked for it in most cases. I know that I didn't but I also didn't bark loudly enough when things were really getting started.(back when the Repugnicants were pushing through the PATRIOT act just as the Demonoids recently pushed through Obamycare) Think about that(and I know some have).

WE DIDN'T DO ENOUGH TO STOP IT! Our parents are equally at fault, in many cases, our grandparents and great grandparents as well. The rape of the Constitution started back in the 1860's under Lincoln. Things were still somewhat in check even then but the road map was laid out. Along comes 1913 and the creation of something that should have been pulled out of its cave and slaughtered but was blatantly ignored (even into the 21st century)(Arguably, the fall started BEFORE the Declaration was even signed. The original intent of the Declaration and Bill of rights was for Life, Liberty, and Property. Property is a metric, you can measure it. As are life(live or dead no inbetween really), and liberty (a bit more elusive but still measurable). If you can make a measurement of something, it exists. Happiness is relative to each individual with no true measurement possible.)

Some may want to call me a racist for part of that last. Go ahead, I have been called worse by better. Read the facts and make up your own mind than you can call me whatever you want.

Slowly, in small increments, we have given away ALL that the Revolutionaries fought for. Even now, the Socialists/Progressives call it 'taking baby steps'.

THEY KNOW that they are stripping us of rights and responsibility!!!! They feel justified in this thought by those that are willing to 'give it up for safety'. Of course that is a downward spiral. You can "hope" that the police will save your sorry ass when the house gets invaded, that is a personal right in my opinion. Things aren't 'changing' for the better of the country or its people. They are changing to allow those in power to stay there. The TSA is only one of the visible symptoms of that fact.

I can only pray that a good majority of the sheep wake up. I won't hold my breath for that to happen.

I am just going to sit back, watch the fail, and hope to be alive to pick up the pieces after the fact. It is coming, just a matter of time.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

All good points. You could throw in a healthy dose of apathy among the sheep as well...