Wednesday, March 10, 2010

As if we hadn't figured something was going on behind the smoke and mirrors.

This Administration is taking the cake for Stupidity. Here they have decided to regulate Recreational fishing.

I mentioned on Irate Nation that next they will want to tax us for breathing more than 15 times a minute. This is also being implemented by the EPA WITHOUT having a law in place to enforce it.(inside source, can't quote nor name)

Mayberry is ready to just drop out, nor can I blame him: I am half way there most days and it doesn't take a whole lot to get my Ire up.

I am just trying to get further along in my plans as best I can before all of this falls apart, blows up, or the American people surrender to Socialist hell.(And to think that isn't a possibility is a foolish notion.) If that last happens, there are going to be hold outs, like myself, Mayberry, Hermit, and many more, but we will be separated by Distance and lack of communication. The PTB know this and they are making in-roads to control the information BEFORE things really start to unravel. Granted the Internet was started by the American Government within the Think tanks of the Military and the universities, but it is much bigger than that now. This has taken on many different aspects in Free Markets and is now supported entirely by Corporations with a stake in it, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. (side note: No, I am not one of those that think of internet access as a right, it is a privilege and one I pay for monthly. BUT, Since I am paying for it, I expect a product worth having, not some Hyper censored Bureaucratic nightmare)

Taxed Enough Already? Check out that Mayberry link above and look at that list of Taxes. And those are only the direct taxation. The Excise taxes have even more. The Excise taxes are the only ones that are legal under the Constitution as they are apportioned. You don't want to pay that tax, don't buy the product, Simple.
I am posting this now but I have more to say, Just getting ticked thinking about it all.

1 comment: said...

Never forget Wallstreet owns DC lock stock and barrel!