Sunday, March 28, 2010

THe dance has started, Kinda

Up state Ohio, Michigan are seeing the rounding up and arrest of a Militant group(Hutaree). This started 0dark30 this morning and the net is abuzz with intel as it comes available. Apparently the group being rounded up is something of an Extremist group. I haven't any affiliation with them so I am going to have to go with second and third hand information on what is going on. Apparently it has been a rather peaceful event so far. Mike V has laid out the ROE, in a sense, here.

This is not, YET, the start of it. The Dance is set up and the band is warming up though. We saw where one man with a lot of guns and an opinion was arrested and had his guns confiscated recently(also done peacefully, or so reported).

My opinion. These are the boys getting the dance card stamped, and getting bolder and bolder. Each one of these allows the media to sell the idea, further, to the populace. This makes each one 'easier' on the Feds. Of course, as each dance is successful, the boldness and false bravery, escalate. Eventually they are going to step on a snake.

I think that the leaders of this WANT that snake to strike back. They aren't crazy enough to stage a blackswan event, knowing that we are watching like hawks. But they NEED a crisis. Someone other than some lone gunman or fed up pilot, to do something destructive. The broken windows are too tame for them to go full tilt.

We haven't seen anything yet. Watch your 6, watch the skyline.

We may not be criminals but that is only in our definitions. They need us to be criminals and will adjust the rules accordingly when they think they can get away with it. There are many out here that fear our government and where it is headed. By definition alone, that is a tyranny. I know that I fear for the future of this country. I fear that my Granddaughter may have to live in that future.

I swore an oath 22 years ago. I never forgot it nor rescinded it. Sadly the enemy was already in the gate then. They have infiltrated EVERY aspect of our lives and country. WE are not looking at an easy time no matter what way the table tilts. There is going to be a fight and GOD only knows the outcome, and I have to say, I think he is guessing at this point too.(far to many variables to say one way or another for now)

Time will tell.

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