Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Congress critters at it again (Still)

David posted this today and I have to say, I am not one bit surprised. When are they going to realize that passing this is essentially passing a declaration of war on the American People. They have been sending bow shots at us since last year, and they aren't listening when we cry "Cease Fire".

I can't say how the majority of the country will respond to this. I know that I won't comply, not one inch nor one dime. This is so counter to what the principles of this nation are; to see this communist/socialist extremism getting ready to run rampant through our country, unsettles me to say the least. And to think that there is a percentage of this country that WANT this? That really disturbs me. I have to wonder at the background of those individuals. What was their life like growing up(unfinished business I say) that they want to be coddled at the expense of EVERYONE ELSE.

I like my independence. I like being self sufficient. I like knowing, that no matter what, I will be alright.(short of no knock warrants. Then its anyone's guess) I know that there aren't that many of us out here though. I know that many would fold like a house of cards if the slightest bit of discomfort were to befall their lives. (like hungry children) I can't say that they are at fault either. I blame our current society of Easy living. Our Society built up of "on demand" supply lines. On demand energy. On demand entertainment. We are spoiled rotten.

Guess we will see how history unfolds this time. There are too many uncertainties to make an honest prediction.(IMO) I stand by waiting for the wheels to fall of the bus.

Until then,

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Their blatant treason will not go unpunished...