There are some disadvantages to being part time. Lack of work is one.
That’s all over now. Sadly, one of my co-workers passed away yesterday: Massive coronary. This is really bad news for him and his family, good news for me. Not trying to bring down karmic justice or anything but the timing couldn’t be better, for me that is.
I know I promised a political post and I am going to give one, just not as in depth as I intended.
This one goes out to all of the polygamists in the U.S.
Go for it. Sure there are societal taboos against it. Yes, there are laws against it. I don’t give a rats ass about a bit of it. I know that I couldn’t be involved in that kind of situation as I am really the jealous type. I found that out in an ‘open relationship’ and believe me, it doesn’t work for everyone. There are those that are more inclined to that type of relationship than I. Even so, if the ‘marriage’ is solid, the kids are well cared for, and all parties involved are on an even keel: who are we to tell the family they are doing wrong? So what if it isn’t for everyone?
My intent is with this is to point out that marriage, while a beautiful thing, can also be a living hell for some. Not all are mentally wired for that ‘straight jacket’, some need a certain amount of variety to keep sane. There are families that are ripped apart due to this. Then again, isn’t the whole thing about keeping the family together, health or illness, happy or sad, wealth or poverty, till death do us part? More specifically, aren’t the kids more than the sum of the marriage? Shouldn’t they be taken into account above and beyond the individual make up of the spouses?
I understand the human race as a social animal can’t avoid things like, well, Government. By God though, we should be able to limit its reach. When that governmental line starts to cross the threshold of my property, I have to draw the line. You do what you want behind closed doors and I will say naught about it so long as I am left alone by it. So long as all parties involved are in agreement about the involvement, outcomes, and no one is being harmed, leave ‘em alone. I won’t draw the line at anything so long as no one comes to harm. (and I mean openly physical harm here; Provable beyond the shadow of a doubt through visual evidence) So long as I am not ‘coerced’ into supporting your lifestyle, at risk to my personal world through threats of violence to me, I don’t care if you like being tied to a post and whipped.
Like any democracy in the past, we are at a cusp of events. The whole polygamy thing I brought up is just one aspect of how far down the road we have come to tyranny. There are better examples I am certain but this one stuck in my craw yesterday. I know our monogamy laws are, were, written with a heavy Christian influence. I am not decrying that background. We needed something in this country to separate us from the rest of the world, and many that came here originally came to escape religious persecution. We started out with highly conservative ideals. We didn’t necessarily stay that way. It seems to me that there were some sexual skeletons in T. Jefferson’s closet, just to name one. It really doesn’t matter to me to be honest. Our species, like all others, is driven by sexual needs. The urge to reproduce is so strong in our species; it gives us pleasure even when unsuccessful; so much so that in many instances, it has become a pastime. Even after the act is biologically productive, it still remains heavy on most minds. Just look at how many commercials there are for contraceptives; the devices and chemicals to insure unsuccessful reproduction! I won’t even go into how sex sells more than logic does.
Yet our problems extend far beyond the bedrooms, don’t they? The force of government is reaching into every aspect of our lives. Just look at all the power that is being given, willy-nilly, to Big Sis and her growing SS. Every day, they assign more and more, highly illegal, powers to an agency, that by constitutional law, shouldn’t even exist. The President is, has been, and others to boot, been writing up presidential notations, that essentially equate to Aristocratic decree. At one time, every person in this country was a sovereign individual. That was slowly eroded away upto the 1860’s when it was not eroded so much as blasted with both barrels. Since then, we have seen one trepidation after another upon the parchment that has so much made of it, when so little actually understand what it really means. Our constitution was an experiment that was crippled before it was ever enacted. The original wordings had a stronger chance of survival. Even so, IMO, it could never sustain itself through 200 years of Human intervention. Humans are too greedy in their quest to get laid. Power attracts mates/playmates, political power is a VERY strong aphrodisiac to many. Of course with that power comes the temptation to retain it and deny it to others. This is just a simple corollary to the sexual urges of all animals. Spread your genes around while denying others the same. Survival of the fittest in action. IF the environment is a political one, then the ones that know how to play the game get to breed. Same as on the savannas, the ones that know how to get and hold territory, know how to catch the game, are the ones that continue to breed; the ones that don’t, die off.
Of course, if you can manipulate your environment to your advantage, you have an edge over those that do not. In this case, the ones that can manipulate the goings on of others, have the playing field to themselves. If a law needs to be enacted to restrict how people interact with (Insert whatever you want here.) for whatever reason they think of, then by all means, make one. The end result is an inflow of cash, a manipulation of the populations thought processes, and a better ego boost to the instigator. Threats of violence are easily masked by layers of restrictive actions; each growing in intensity until you are at direct physical assault. Each day, we come closer to that direct assault through further and further regulation of those that the system ‘was designed to protect’. Somehow, I don’t believe that was the original intent of those that wrote those words “We the People”. Something just doesn’t resonate true when I ring the bell of what we have and compare the tone to what was intended.
And it comes down to the individual again, right where it needs to be. The real question is: Are you one of the herd, or are you a free thinker? Do you get up in the morning and try to figure out how to make your future better, or do you just get up and continue the daily grind? There is nothing wrong by playing in the fields of the herd to improve your situation. I am doing that now by working for a paycheck. I don’t allow the herd to assimilate me while I do that, and I maintain a façade to keep the herd in the dark of what I am really doing.
Polygamy isn’t my game though. If a person has the emotional flexibility to live with multiple spouse’s, more power to them; I know I couldn’t. I just don’t think it’s a thing that needs ‘regulated’ or criminalized. Nor do I think it is anyone’s right, to restrict another’s lifestyle IF there is no interference outside of that lifestyle into other lives. Call me an anarchist if you wish, I would probably be found guilty if charged. Happily too.
Change of subject time:
May have an update/change of plans on my housing situation. Stay tuned. Will know more in the next couple of days.
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1 comment:
There is no alternative to Liberty. Pretty much says it all. Myself, one wife is MORE than enough...
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