Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Grease, bloody knuckles, smokey exhaust fumes

Sorry to have not posted in the last couple of days but I have been quite busy. My dad came driving up to the house early Monday morning in his beat up Toyo 4X4 making like a crop duster or something. Smoke just pouring out of the exhaust and that little fourbanger just sputtering and coughing like a wheezy asthmatic mule.

Blown head gasket.

Well, all day yesterday was spent in getting the thing apart, hand surfacing the head and the top of the block(yes, I have a test surface for doing that kind of stuff, I am cool like that LOL) and of course the putting it all back together. Today was fine tuning and test drives: Timing marks on mid 80's toyos are a bit goofy sometimes. Funny thing is, both my dad and I have a touch of OCD in us and to put both of us on a project like that scares hell out of my sisters.

Good news is, its all back together, only one extra bolt to show for it(and we found where it was from when we fired up the beast. Spewing oil is a good indicator of something not right.) and we are both alive and well: having not killed each other in the process. Grubby fingernails that will take a week to get clean, a couple scraped knuckles, but not from swinging on each other. Lots of greasy rags that need cleaned now. And the monster runs pretty damned good again. I figure she has a few more good years in her before the frame is too rotted to be safe. All she is really used for is backwoods movements and hauling ass loads of firewood. She ain't purty by a long shot, but damned if that truck doesn't put other 4wheelers to shame around here. And you don't have to worry about bashing in anything since its a heap anyway.

Seeing how quiet it has been around the blogosphere, I figure no one really noticed I was missing though. Work day tomorrow, should be able to do a little catching up and will report in then.

Any one notice how quiet it has been since Wikileaks posted last week? Guess the WH is trying like hell to clean up the mess they created while hoping for absolute secrecy.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

There was no real damaging stuff in the leaks, just confirmation of what we already knew, and stuff which was embarrassing to some. Hillary for one. Her hit men will surely be hunting Assange....

Gotta love vehicles, they always seem to crap out in the winter. Glad y'all got 'er put back together.