Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Meh, mumble mumble, grumble, grrr

Guess y'all have noticed my lack of posting lately. Sorry 'bout that. Hadn't much to say really.

Been going over things in my head and on paper, just nothing bubbling up out of the brew. Seems like others are stating far better than I what I would like to talk about. Since blogging is really a one sided conversation (for the most part, dependent upon commentary, or lack thereof) after awhile you feel like you are talking to your toenails or the cat. Both allow you to vent but neither has any decent feedback. 'Meooowrr' isn't a good response to "dagburned repugnicrats!' (and toenails respond even less)

The further decline of Western Civilization is now (IMO) on that slippery slope that has only one ending. The only changes to that ending have nothing to do with what is at the end of the slope but everything to do with what is done WHILE we are on it. The more the PTB play the games, the harder the fall of the end of the slope will be.

They are getting more intense in the game playin.

That can only mean that, by the time we take that plunge, we are going to see hardships the like this country has never seen before.

Remember, this is all speculation at this point. I have no proof other than a gut instinct based upon education in historical elements and a vague understanding of how cruel humans truly are. Candy coat it all you want, the fact that the human animal is at the top of the food chain while having NO natural, built in weaponry; says all I need about the nature of the beast called HUMAN. I think that's why I laugh when I hear our 'representatives' talk about 'humanitarian aid'. Like most concepts, the coating appears nice but the underlying intent is pretty ugly.

I saw something rear its head over the last couple of days that only reinforced this thoughtline in my head. There was a post by Bill, that caught a lot of flack. His intent was pure, and applied with broad strokes of a mop, but the flack he caught came from a direction I hadn't suspected. Bad move on my part I guess, seeing how I see the same shit happen around here when I talk about cutting out "entitlements" to people.

See, most people are all about getting more freedom, or applying the foundation principles of our founders, UNTIL you mention cutting off the money tap. That applies to those that are on ANY Government program. ANY. SSI SSDI AG benefits, Welfare, Unemployment, Actually working for the Government, you name it. Any and all of those get that money from somewhere and that somewhere is usually, indirectly, the pocket of the productive American. Yeah, they can print money out of thin air, make some cleric book entry and come up with a trillion dollars to 'make the budget work'. Fact is, that 'stored value' has to come from someONE, not somewhere.

But thats alright 'so long as you don't touch my money'.

Seems to me that there was a time in this country where people didn't retire so much as just kick back and raise the 'chilluns' while the parents were the ones working. The same way that their parents did. Family stuck it out through thick and thin and the children WERE the reason for the family. Every aspect of existence was directed to improving the lives of the children so that they would be better off than the prior generation. The parents reared them, the grandparents taught them, and when it came time to move on, they didn't go far and if they did go far, THEY CAME BACK to continue the line. People would travel to meet others to keep the gene pool from getting stagnate but for the most part, they stuck together.

Our nuclear families fly in the face of nature in that regard.

And then you have this declining population thing going on. Seems like its only in the "modern world". I have a theory on that. With the failing status of our world, I see many thinking, albeit subconsciously, "why bother? This world sucks and is getting worse." When the main population of citizens (natural born) is declining due to higher deaths than births, yet the population is growing, you are not going to see a continuation of prior policies. Good or ill. There will be a morphing of old and new, not to keep the current populace at ease, but to transition to the newer population.

Aren't we seeing just that with the RINO's and DEMOn's trying for all the amnesties and twisting of benefits for the newer influx of peoples. (and lets not even go into the legalities of it at this juncture. Just take it face value that this is happening in front of our eyes)

But what do these people have to sacrifice for in this country? Why here, if they are just bringing the old world with them. They left it for a reason, right? Or did they leave it to try and bring it here? If the latter, they are not here as 'future Americans' but as Enemies of the State.

IF the latter, do you really think that they are going to want to pay into an entitlement system supporting Current American Citizens?
Do you really think that once they hit a level of majority, that they won't push harder for a reversal of certain things that this country has taken for granted (for far too long I might add)?

Alright, comments is open, feel free to let fly. Hope I gave something to you to chew on.


Mayberry said...

I dunno. If they're on the books right now, they are paying. Under the table, they still pay some when they buy stuff. They ship a lot of money "back home".

I think if you paid in you should get what you were promised. But participation should be voluntary, that's where my problem lies. I sure could use that $150 per month they skim off the top of my pay. Don't pay income tax, because we're in the "sweet spot" pay wise. Don't pay in, don't get none back.

CorbinKale said...

My uncle is working his ass off, prepping, putting kids though college, and trying to pay off all his debts. He just turned old enough to put in for his Social Security benefits. He was DENIED! They told him he made too much money to receive the money that he paid in! Top that with the $20k he paid in taxes last year and you can imagine that he is fairly pissed off.

Soffitrat said...


And fairly well justified in being pissed off. I'm due to go in for mine in less than two years. I think that I'll be joining your uncle. The good thing is that I haven't paid in anything for almost thirty years! I paid in the max years ago and haven't made a penny since. Call it foresight.

Diogenes said...

It's not the ones that were sold a (bad) bill of goods that get me. Many were 'sold' on the idea of Social upkeep long ago and yet the idea was a scam from the get go. The people that wrote the original 'idea' up, never expected people to live past retirement age let alone 10 or 20 years past that.

What gets me are the ones that are collecting on it and have never worked more than a couple of weeks at best. There is a friend that is fighting cancer right now and has to work because he isn't eligible for the disability due to his owned property. He is 'worth too much'. He would have to sell off everything he owns and live in poverty to be qualified. YET, his neighbor, who is 8th grade drop out, can't read, and has never worked "legitimately" (always under the table) is getting FULL benefits, FS, Medicaid with a $3 co-pay and $3 prescriptions.
Something is seriously wrong with the system when those that EARNED the benefit by paying into it over 30 years can't even access it, while others that have ALWAYS been a burden are supported without question.

Personally, I KNOW, I will never see a dime of the money I have payed in over the last 26 years. There isn't any point to bitch about it as I see the writing on the wall of the whole program. By the time I would be eligible, there won't be a program any more. I have other plans going into place.

I would like to see an option other than the current ones: Pay or pay more(or jail)