Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Targets of Oppurtunity

And NO, this isn't about combat but BUSINESS. Every good business owner and CEO will happily tell you that there are targets of opportunity that present themselves in the course of business, and the smart ones jump on them like pitbulls on a raw steak.

Isn't that what the Mexican's have done?

I would like to direct you to Fred Reeds piece on American history. Go read it, then come back.

Here we have a country that is riddled with medicated (legal and not) subservient egotistical 'wannabes' that want the latest and greatest toy/high/easy XXXX. Think long and hard about that. If you really want to see why we are where we are, we need only look in the mirror. (As is the case, this doesn't apply to all, but enough of the majority that the minority is irrelevant to this discussion)
I hate to say it, since it applies to me as well, but we are a bunch of spoiled brats, and now that things are going to hell in a handbasket, of our design: we start to whining about it, but never really doing anything about it.


Isn't that what we are doing when we get online to bitch about the latest travesty of a fucked up government? What about when we gripe about how our elected class gets caught diddling the mistress and gets away with it? Or when our elected "raise the debt ceiling" so they can continue paying the bills with credit cards?
Oh that list could go on and on.

IF Voting were EFFECTIVE, it would be illegal. So don't even hand me that shit about "Vote the bastards out". Look at how the Glory boy of KY, Mr. Rand Paul, just voted up, for a further continuation of the Patriot Act.
You can hand me all the excuses of "needed the amendments" or whatnot, the fact that his actions directly contradict his promises, only reinforces my disdain for the "politics".

There are ExPats living north of The U.S. There are ExPats living in Mexico and other parts of South America. There are ExPats living in the Philippines (I know, as I picked up a tattoo from one in Debarrio outside of Olongapo._)
More than a few of them are ex-military. Why? If you signed up to "defend your country", Why would you then choose another country to reside in once you served your term?
Maybe your eyes were opened to just how psychotic our country REALLY is. And yes, we are VERY psychotic. I hear it in conversations amongst my dads friends and family on a daily basis. You can see it in the subdivisions on middle America: Soccer moms harping about illegal drugs while doped up on Valium or some other anti-depressant. Look at the Prescription drug market and see how it has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 50 years.(at a markedly higher rate than population growth)

Theres no need to go into WHY, all you need to do is look around and realize that we are in 1) Prison and 2)most of inmates are batshit insane. Is it any wonder that other countries have Immigration laws in place that make it near impossible for a US citizen to become a part of their country? I don't think so. Even our immigration laws are tough (and quite convoluted and contradictory. What else would you expect to be written by a drug addled power hungry elect) BUT UNENFORCED 90% of the time; unlike those other countries.

SO. Why do we whine?

Because they let us.
So long as we are whining about how fucked up shit is, we are being good little brats sitting on our stools in the corner. IF we start to get a little more vocal, they tend to lock us up or burn us out, or just flat shoot our asses. Maybe Jose wasn't raising a stink. But he didn't kneel when they wanted him to and that got him killed.

All of this goes back to the "Wars" and I am not talking about Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya. Nope, these wars are called many things but they all boil down to one target. US. The Citizens of this country. The war on drugs, how many dealers are really doing time? I would imagine that a good amount of research would find that 95% of those doing time for drug charges are usually in for under $100 worth of shit. Petty 'crime'. The war on terrorism has little to nothing to do with terrorism since it targets American citizens the hardest. Do we really need to enact laws to allow the CIA to do its job? Why go out an create another Alphabet gang for this "terror war"? When asked like that, the answer is obvious. NO. But when you ask it another way: Do we need a control factor to limit the actual movements of Inmates within the prison System? The answer is an obvious, YES.

The Mexican Cartels may be brutal and sadistic but they are business first. IF the inmates of this Asylum weren't 'druggies', they wouldn't have much of a market. IF the drugs were legal, the demand wouldn't be so centralized and there wouldn't be so many issues involved.

As I have stated before, there are only two ways out of this mess and neither is going to be fun or inexpensive. This mess was started a long time ago, but we have to deal with it now. The drugs are really only a symptom of the real issues.

The real issue stares back at you in the mirror.


Mayberry said...

Yep, we need to do something. And soon...

Diogenes said...

yah, But what?

Still trying to figure that one out, as I know you are too.

Spud said...

Thinning the herd is probably the only answer. Most likely that is the plan.

Yup the answer is in the mirror...
Hard to change that channel.

Diogenes said...

Legalize drugs and there would be a 50% die off in the first week as the harder users OD'ed in partying.

Well, its a thought anyway.

I don't think that is actually what is in the works. More like starving us out may be the first order of business though they will find it hard to do in these parts. Time will reveal all, of that I have no doubt.

Mayberry said...

I've outlined several times what we can do. STARVE THE MONKEYS. And ignore their totalitarian mandates. All non-violent, but must be done en masse...

Diogenes said...

I agree with starving them out, the biggest issue being that "enmasse" part. Far too many on the dole, or enjoying the Black economy, or both. Many on the dole are so doped up as to not give a rats ass so long as they get the next check and the next 'sript for xanex or whatnot.

Then there are the boomers that are in or near retirement age that demand the 'entitlement' that they worked for their entire lives.

Yeah, we can starve em, but there are so few of us that we just don't carry enough weight to make that big of a dent. At least thats my take on it.

Maybe the solution is staring back from the mirror too along with the reasons, I don't know. I am just a simple tinker with a flare for learning and teaching. Actually figuring things out sometimes takes days or years.

Anonymous said...

My name is J. Jenkins.The comment I left at theelectedretards was intended for Mr. Nye.He didn't respond,big deal. Jim She Wolf felt it was his duty to call me a slut.She Wolf would never talk like that to me face to face.None of the Faketriots would talk to me like that face to face,I guarantee it.I find it amusing that you call me a troll,but that's the way you guys roll,when someone disagrees with you,call them a troll.I truly believe you guys are pussies. That's just my opinion and I own it.

I will not give you my email address.I will not respond to other Faketriots commenting.If you want to have a discussion let's do it here on your blog. Just me and you.

J.Jenkins said...

You're not a Patriot.Patriots love America.Patriots do not want a civil war.Patriots are not happy when a police officer is killed. You guys make me sick. A police officer died in the line of duty,he was responding to a shooting and was gunned down at a traffic light.He was a human being.

You Faketriots are disgusting.You don't know who shot the police officer.You don't know why someone shot him.You're trying to turn his death into a "spark". That's why you are a pussy. If you were really a man,you would do something on your own.Instead of doing something,you encourage others to do your dirty work.You are a keyboard commando.

Diogenes said...

Well, well, Jenkins it is. Troll, is what I call asswipes that hide behind anonymous postings. NOW that you have a name, I will use it. BTW, this is my blog and if you feel the need to call me a pussy, Keyboard Commando, what not,


I stood my ground when I knew what was right when it wasn't fucking fashionable. It cost me a career, a marriage, and respect amongst my peers due to it. IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

Can you say the same?

Have you served your country? Hmmm? I did, even fought in a war when ordered to do so.

IF you feel the need to comment back, I will respond. You and me. But if you feel the need to slander me on MY BLOG, you will end up getting deleted without delay. I leave up what you have so that others may see you for the: Was going to call you a fucknut, but I think more highly of them than I do you at this point.

And for you info, Bill rarely responds to comments, its just part of how he does things. Still, Your trying to call him out DID call those of us out that respect him. Slander him, you slander us. Get it?

Now, whatcha got to come back with on that one asshole?

J.Jenkins said...

Some people post anonymous,big deal. That doesn't mean they are trolls. A lot of people are worried about their careers or they are concerned about identity thieves. There are lots of reasons for posting anonymously.

I haven't read your blog.I don't know what you mean when you say you stood your ground. I don't plan on reading all of your posts.I am replying to your comment that you left on theelectedretards.

So now you know my name.Does this mean my words have meaning? Do I have a pair now?

I find it sickening when Faketriots get off on a police officer that was killed in the line of duty.You guys don't have any details about the murder.You don't know anything about Sgt. Kenneth Vann.

So please tell me,do you like it when police officers are killed in the line of duty?

Diogenes said...

Go read the post and comment on it before you go asking anymore questions of me. You are on my blog now and that means MY RULES!

I will stay civil since you were 'moderately civil' this round. Please, I linked the main reads you should read before you go saying a pointing those three fingers back at yourself when you
try to 'call me out'.


Bill Nye said...


I am not here to muddy the water on some one else’s blog, but it would seem you are peeved at ME,I don't always reply to comments left on my posts.

A wise man once said a comment left by a reader is just that, it was not intended for correspondence, ever notice the e-mails addy's we have on our blogs, that sir would be for correspondence.

There are men and women that are blog authors that I have never met in person, yet through years of reading their personal stories, heartaches, tribulations and struggles, many of them I would lay my life down for them if asked.

Good decent American people, I take no exception to your opposing view, I take no exception to being called names, sticks and stones brother, sticks and stones.

I am proud to be associated with fine folks like James, true friends. I don't care if you are a liberal or a liberal progressive, matters not to me, you do have moxy, I will give you that.

It is not my fault nor James that you do not comprehend what is before you, no one wants to see cops killed, no one wants to be killed by rogue cops and politicians either.

If a bad man tries to harm me or my family, badge or not well.... what can I say. I am a former Jar Head and damn proud of it too, there was an old Marine saying that went something like this:

What makes the grass grow? What makes the grass grow?.... BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD makes the fucking grass grow.

Jenkins these are not my rules kind sir, I did not make said rules up. You nor anyone else will no longer kill indiscriminately of our citizens or Patriots.

Jenkins you nor I can stop what is coming, all we can do is understand why it is coming, it's simple. I have no desire to die, I also have no desire to continue to live as a slave.

I have lived my life as man, I will die as one as well, make zero fucking mistakes about that Jenkins. The Faktriot bullshit bothers me not. I have a poison flowing through my veins that only a handful of men understand.

Jenkins in closing brother if you are pissed off at me, then direct your anger at me, you know what my e-mail addy is, hell for that matter start your own blog, and we all will be so kind to stop by and leave nice pleasant comments for you.