Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gelled thoughts on Saturday night.

I watched C-Span for 3 hours leading up to the vote for cloture on the Healthcare reform bill. Several thoughts kept coming to mind while watching it but I held off making any reports until I had a chance to let things come together in my own head.
One of the first things that I came up with should be rather obvious. That is a lot of hot air coming out of that particular house on the hill. If we had a way of tapping that and converting it into mechanical energy, we could solve many of the energy issues that have been on the front page lately.(and no I don't buy into that whole climate warming thing. Momma earth is doing what she has done since before we showed our monkey faces on this rock)

Second thing I noticed is how shallow the majority of the republican party is. Mr. McCain is the worst in my book. Lots of talking points, but the more I listened the more I realized that EVERY SINGLE ONE was straight from Limbaugh, or Beck or Hannity. That man hasn't an original idea of his own to bring forward. Every fiscal argument was straight from the CBO and he completely missed the biggest one of all: That the United States Government is F*@KIN BROKE. No real loss as he has that reputation of being good at quotes and a stuffed shirt anyway, but while watching I was wishing for some other Republican to go over and just jaw jack the bastard and tell him to shut up and sit down.
Mitch McConnel came through with flying colors. He managed to get the points I just mentioned across quite clearly. His delivery was quite dry but then when you are alluding to financial collapse of a superpower, you need to be more than a little dispassionate and detached.

Something else I noted. The divide between reality and emotional MeMes is HUGE. There isn't an aisle to reach across in either the Senate or the House anymore. Its a Ginormous RIFT, and its getting wider every day. For the most part, every republican brought forward fiscal arguments of why we can't afford this crap. Most even pointed out that there are other reforms that can take place that either cost nothing or very little that can go into effect immediately.

Every, and I mean EVERY democrat only brought forward emotional Feel good crap, basically pleading that we need to do this as Americans are dying in the streets. Or they would point out how the Republicrats have railroaded these legislations into the dirt at every turn. Watching them I felt I was watching the Freshman debate team discussing how to get better lunches in school. Not one of these people had a rational basis for this legislation and most went so far as pulling up specific cases of dire situtations to illustrate the "horror in America".

One Republican stood out all night in my eyes though. Sen Kyl he only spoke for about 5 minutes but what he had to say summed up my thoughts rather nicely.
There are 535 of us up here on the hill trying to say that we know better than the 300+ million americans on the street. That is just plain Arrogant. The hubris I see on this hill is why we aren't trusted anymore.
That isn't a direct qoute( I could probably look it up but its Sunday morning and I feel lazy) but is pretty close to what was said. He nailed it though.

At the end of it they passed cloture 60-39, This pushes the bill forward but its not passed yet. We still have some say for whatever that is worth. I for one no longer have any reason to think that they will listen to us. Leviathan has started flexing and its only a matter of time before the sleeping giant flexes back or folds up in a fetal ball.
I don't want to say the latter will happen but I look into history and have seen great people fall for no reason other than surrender for desire to be left alone. Unfortunately, that never happens.

I keep saying be ready to go Galt. Keep your powder dry, etc etc.
I would say keep an eye on your wallet but they already have the means to empty that for you before you ever see it.

There really is only one way to fight back non-violently at this point. A tax revolt. Every working person going into HR and re-writing your W2 for 0 deductions. Its not like you aren't paying your taxes, you just aren't giving it on loan to the government in payments. Its hard for the Government to keep going on credit they don't have. If we cut that credit at the root, even for one month, they will panic. I don't see it happening as that requires resolve of EVERY SINGLE TAXPAYER. To get that many people on one side of the fence is impossible in this country.

So where does that leave us?

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