Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kicked in the ribs. lite post tonight.

Woke up last night about 3:30am drenched in sweat and feeling like someone had been kicking me in the kidneys. Least to say I didn't get much more sleep last night. Been dozing off and on all day. No cold symptoms but hardcore aches and pains. Not one part of me doesn't feel like crap.
To be honest, I feel like I have been in a fight, even my face hurts.

So I won't be posting anything other than a word out to the other vets in the world.

Stay safe, and thank you for your service, no matter in war or not. You signed on to make that sacrifice whether or not it was asked of you.


Anonymous said...

Hey, man. You better go see a doctor. I shit you not.

Diogenes said...

I was bound and determined that if I woke up feeling the same way that was exactly what I was going to do. Apparently I had a 24hour bug or something. Having that Hot tottie and a searing hot shower helped alot. I feel back to normal today.

Lol enough that I didn't reschedule my appointments but took a range day.