Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A good read in Memory of an event I remember

but didn't fully grasp at the time.
Twenty years later

A key quote from the article.
"My daughter’s hamster (a pet white mouse) has food, water, shelter and even medical care, and a cage full of fun curly tubes. The hamster responds by constantly trying to chew his way to freedom. I think we all understand what freedom is, and it is not a gilded cage."

These are the lessons that I want to instill in my daughter and granddaughter.

These are trying times for people that understand freedom and the responsibilities that go with it. Its especially trying when you realize just how impotent a position you have in the political spectrum (IE NONE) One vote in a sea of votes seems insignificant. The majority is a sea of deluded individuals hearing the siren song of a nanny state that promises the same promises Marx and Lenin sang. They don't see that Freedom and Liberty aren't free. They are only reacting to pretty words but don't see the lies underneath. The chains of slavery are many and all too easily chosen when the alternative is Laborious and rife with struggle. Those that have came up in the world from nothing know what I am talking about. The Free market enterprises are reflections of the Freedoms our Founders envisioned while writing the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was the compromise of the Statist's and the Anarchists. It wasn't perfect but no compromise is. Still it worked for at least one Century before being manipulated. Since the Civil War Our Freedoms have been under near constant assault by the Socialist/Communist factions. They are starting to win, at least in the diplomatic sector. They haven't won the minds of the people yet.(Many, not all)

Remember those that escaped Slavery in our lifetime on November 9th. Remember why they strove to leave "an Idyllic Workers Paradise" at the risk of life and limb. Then get on the phone or the e-mail and let your representatives know that you DO NOT want a repeat of that on our shores. As it stands right now, that is our recourse. Soon enough it may not be that simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think today the government takes so much, that you have to get some of it back any way you can.