Friday, November 20, 2009

We shall see how the reps really view us shortly.

Tomorrow the senate is having a special session on the healthcare reform bill.

I tend to think that this is another sneak through like they did in the House two weeks ago. I have issues with the bill but I have further issues with the way that they are pushing this through in the dead of night. There isn't anyway that these people have read this bill. They have intentionally not included themselves in it, opting to maintain their own insurance policies. The whole mess stinks.

Some would have arguments for this to pass as they see nothing but the good intentions in it. Having done much research on it and reading posts from those across the pond in and in the great white north, I fear what is coming at this country. The economy can't handle the amount that is being proposed to fund this mess and they are saying that there is a way to reduce the funding needed. I have issues with that statement on two points.
  1. When has the government EVER been under budget on ANYTHING?
  2. The only way to reduce costs would be to limit services. Who gets the shaft in this case?
I freely admit that I don't have insurance at this point and it isn't necessarily by choice but I have had insurance in the past and paid a premium for it. As it stands now I have access to a doctor that accepts cash(therefore I am not being a burden on society) and if need arises where I would need hospitalization, I would honorably accept the debt incurred. I don't expect the general population to support me and find it offensive that others feel that is an entitlement. The area that I live in is loaded with those that feel that the rest of the world OWES THEM, usually without a reason.

My fears with this are compounding daily. First and foremost if this passes I lose my doctor. He WILL retire from his practice and won't sign on as a public servant. Another reason is the threat of Legal Action that has been readily admitted to by Pelosi. No insurance and unwilling to sign up for the 'public option' warrants a year and 25,000.00 fine for individuals, first offense. How is my not wanting to sign up for government assistance a crime? The allusions there go all the way back to George Orwell for me.

The fact that there is a 48% approval of this bill by the populace shows to me that this country is sick, and getting sicker. Whatever disease we have we picked up from the Brits. They have become progressively socialist since 1947. It is to the point that there is more emigration by natural born citizens of Britain to other countries than ever before in history. The social base in Britain is more immigrants than nationals. The Tax base is failing as they become more and more socialist, eventually there won't be a tax base, I wonder what they will do when NO ONE is making anything to tax but the welfare recipients? Seems like a never ending spiral of slavery to me.

I am going to get off here for the night and go read a book. A piece of fiction too, I need the escape tonight. I will be on watching the Den of Thieves on C-Span tomorrow. I want to know how much sooner I have until I am forced to go Galt.

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