Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday drive by information.

I call it drive by info since I am driving and picking up what I can, wherever I can. Be it NPR or FOX or whatever. For the record, its late(for me) and I am tired. I came home and immediately went into melt mode so I could get a couple of parts made for this project I have been working on. Hence, I will be rambling in this post. I took some pretty good pics, they are in the process of being sent through the airwaves now. Once they are uploaded, I will get them into my PC and post them tomorrow. Dial up warning, its going to be a big one with lots of pics. I wanted to show that a body doesn't need all the bells and whistles to make things out of aluminum and the pics will show that. More on that tomorrow though.

As for the Drive by Info (slight rip off from Rush on that one) well, Who do they think they are kidding with this whole " economic improvement" crap. Seriously! They keep rambling about how housing is in recovery, how unemployment is improving,(less on the dole every day, Woot! Maybe not on the dole, but not working either)and about how people are spending more (well that one is half right, we are spending more but getting less for what we spend)

I tell ya, some days I get home and my voice is hoarse; Not from singing at the top of my lungs to keep awake either but from yelling at the boneheads reading captions and trying to 'keep the joy' in America.

I am making one third of what I was making before I was laid off. ONE THIRD!!!! and I was laid off within a couple of months of O'boy swearing in. I was on the way out the door before that when they passed the TARP tripe since I was support to a major Mortgage company. It was only a matter of cleaning house at that point and they needed support for all of the boneheaded CEO's that couldn't remember their passwords. Still, ONE THIRD of that income now. And things are improving? I don't think so. Finding work doing what I was doing is hard enough and I am extraordinarily happy to have any work at all right now.

And what really ticks me off is how they get away with it on a daily basis. Seems only people on the net are calling them on this shit. Of those, only a handful are taken seriously(Self not included since I am a little spawning of a minnow in a really big pond). The majority of people, even those that do use the net on a daily basis, swallow this tripe for all its worth like it were fried chicken, then ask for seconds.

I freely admit that my dad is one of the last mentioned. It rankles me most days and I do try to show him the truth. Most people only want to take the blue pill and go back to sleep. By most, I mean about 85% of the population. (remember that 80/20 rule. It works, it works VERY well.) As for trying to show him the truth, its hard since he is retired on a fixed income and really doesn't want to know that everything he worked for in life is about to come crashing down. I can't blame him on that one. He hasn't a whole lot of time left on this planet and only wants to live out those days in happiness. He still runs circles around me when it comes to splitting wood by hand, but I think he only does that to show off, not actually work.(he will happily use a powered splitter when he thinks the yung'uns aren't watching. LMAO)

Enough for the day. I will be posting those pics and some dialogue tomorrow. No politics, I swear. My intentions tomorrow are to show that you don't need much to make machines and there really is no great secret to any of that stuff. Just patience, an eye to detail, and willingness to try again when you screw up.(and of course, safety first. 1400 degree melt is nothing to 'play' with.)


Mayberry said...

I feel ya Bro. After seven years, I am finally up to making half of what I made in 2003. In 2004, I made about 1/4 the previous year's earnings, and only survived by cashing in my 401k and selling our rent house (after spending 5K and a solid month's labor to fix it back up from the damage caused by the last tenants)...

Those who aren't awake yet probably never will be. All you can do is take care of your own and hope for the best.

Diogenes said...

Yeah, times are tough, Sounds like you were hit with it long before most of the rest of us.

I hope I didn't come off as whining, I was just using my situation to emphasis the points against the whole improvement fallacy. I may not be completely content with my situation but it has forced upon me choices I would have avoided and am far better for in the long run. That is a win-win even if at the time it feels like a slap in the face.