Thursday, February 10, 2011

T.L. in trouble?

Was It Something I Said (Wrote)?

Dunno what all the details are, doesn't really matter when you have an agent on your doorstep and have been vocal against this 'regime'.

Spread the word, the cockroaches really don't like it when you shine bright lights in their direction.


Mayberry said...

Dio, this is a new breed of cockroach. When the light turned on, the old ones scattered. The new ones attack...

Ken said... Mayberry said,they're Genetically Modifying themselves,ol'fashioned raid just pisses'em off

Diogenes said...

It's that whole revenue thing. They need even more now that they outnumber the regular working people.

I wonder how intense the light has to be to drive em off now. 10000volt@100A carbon arc maybe? LOL