Friday, June 3, 2011

Reality?? Wuzdat?

Dunno 'bout all of you, but I was raised in a fairly Christian household. There may not have always been a strong influence there, but when it wasn't, the morals taught by it were still very much in place. While frugality may or may not be a completely christian point of view, my families circumstances while growing up had much to do in teaching me how to do a lot with very little. We weren't bad off, but we sure as hell weren't rich either. We made do, and never starved. I even remember when I was quite small, my dad raising chickens, rabbits, turkeys and a small garden. This was during the oil crunch of the mid 70's

Well, I look around in the news now and wonder what the hell has happened to the country I grew up in. I know times change things but what I am seeing is like looking upon two separate realities. They kinda look similar, sound similar. At least the language is close enough that there is little that can be mistaken. Heck, we were even involved in a war at that time to. I remember Cronkite talking about it though not what he was saying. Its not like it really meant that much to me, at that time.(I was less than 6 when we pulled out of 'Nam._)

I won't lie, I read the headlines. Like this one and just have to ask, What?
Then this one. Heck, for little guys like me, that make not one red cent doing this, it seems that those being embedded would see a free advertising venue. They may not make any money directly from my site, but it costs them nothing more than allowing us to 'spread the word'. Word of mouth was the advertising norm in my youth. It still is a large portion of the local economy in these parts.

Some things never change though. Most of the people I grew up with had some background from this section of the country. This area has never really recovered from the first round of Depression. Most have grown up with alternative solutions to cash (or lack there of)

Recently I have been accused of 'wanting a revolution'. Those that have been following me for awhile KNOW that I would rather not have to fight it out but am willing. Wanting a Revolution? No. But there are days where the alternatives seem much worse than an outright war from the get go. Don't know how many have had to deal with an economic collapse. From historical references and a more recent survivor of such, I glean that war may be the lesser of two evils (or at least shorter.)

No matter what, I think we can all agree; Whatever is coming, its gonna hurt long before the fires start.

Addendum: Sorry there, I was distracted for a minute.
The point I am trying to bring to light, is perceptive at the basest level. My reality is not your reality, is not O'Boys reality (not even close.) Our perceptions are restricted to physical inputs. Be that tactile, oratory, or written, we don't have ESP or telepathy. (and there are days where I thank God greatly for that fact.) When someone makes a statement, it is usually off the cuff with only that persons upbringing backing it up. That is entirely how this blog is written. There have been only two times where I refered to hand written notes while tapping out my post. Both times were complete and total flops and one never even made it to the publish button before I deleted it into the void.

That said, YOUR Perception of my post is going to be off the cuff backed only by your upbringing and what my input did to that. If you agree, you will (or not) comment accordingly. IF I pissed you off, You will comment (or not) accordingly.

I would like to think that some of my posts are intended to hit a bit deeper than the base level and actually try to light a spark of thought. Usually I ask that you think about what I have written BEFORE commenting when I hit those posts. One recently, I only put in a disclaimer. It was never intended to be a spark. It was intended to add a little braking action to keep some from going off half cocked. The laws of unintended consequences are not prejudiced by any means. When stupid laws get enacted, the UIC will bite it. When people individually get stupid UIC also kicks in (and is sometimes mistaken for Murphy though he is of a completely different bent.) IT was that, that I was trying to get across.

BUT each of us has our own reality. So long as your reality doesn't induce conflict into my reality, we can get along just fine.

And that is the real problem isn't it. From O'boy on down to the lowest cop, they all want to push their reality upon mine, while all I want is to let my reality flow on through like a spring breeze. Leaving nothing behind except maybe a feeling of something better in the air.
When the reality crash comes, I will be ready. Call me the Breeze.


J.Jenkins said...

I understand where your coming from,remember Cronkite too,born in '67. I think we both agree that there is a problem,I just think war is not an option.

Sorry dude,you got caught in the crossfire.I shouldn't have accused you of being a Faketriot.

I'll delete my Faketriot post. I'm still going to call out some folks because I think they're full it.

I'm going to use bad language when I write and I'm not going to be civil on my blog.I don't expect or want other people to be civil. I like to let it all hang out.

I'll post something in a day or two.Drop by if you get the time.

Mayberry said...

According to your "analysis", I'm a "faketriot" too. Not that it bothers me, because I know what I stand for, and other people's opinions never mattered much to me.

James, keep making folks think. It's a good thing...

Diogenes said...

Jenkins. You think that war is not an option. What if it were not an option but a course to be dealt with, period?
Do you really think that the growing list of dead by LEO's is not a case of war? If not, seems to me that you still believe the lies that the media is feeding you. Do yourself a favor and turn the boobtube off. Start reading. There are books referenced in my blogs that I would highly recommend. (and IMO, deleting your blog entry was a bad move on your part. Its always good to have a touchstone to fall back to; if only to see how far you have come.)

Craig: I try, truly I do. Maybe Jenkins is another that will see the truth.

Spud said...

If war is not the answer, then why is it so popular ?

Reality is only what we all perceive it to be.

I got mine.

Diogenes said...

Maybe I am not a pessimist. Maybe, I am a solipsist.


Further thoughts needed.

Never mind. If I were a Solipsist, I wouldn't have to think about it, I would know without a doubt. LOL.