Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sometimes ya gotta turn your back.

There are people in this world that, no matter how much the truth is placed before them, they just won't see it. Try as you might, the walls of indoctrination won't allow them to see that the world IS NOT what they were taught.

I should know, I was one in the not to distant past. Even though I was raked over the coals by my command and given a discharge 2 levels BELOW what my charges called for, I still had faith. Even though my wife was able to use the courts (and that second set of books) with a skill admired by lawyers, I STILL HAD FAITH.

Faith in what?
The education I had been given and the fact that we live in a country with the greatest Legal document ever produced by mere mortals.

Still, my hope for the future resides in that document.(the first one, not the one manipulated by Hamilton and Madison. Though the original 10 Amendments can stay.) There is a very real connection to GOD in our founding, and the fact that our country has lost its moral compass has much to do with the shape we are now in.

I am not a very religious person. Heck, the last time I stepped foot in church was in the mid 90's. I do though, have a sound belief that there is a higher power in this world. One that has some influence over how things are AND will be (but refuses to completely interfere). I also think that the vast majority of this country have little faith in that power. Especially those in the Gospel Churches. I have heard those sermons many times(on tour with the gospel plays). Those sermons tend to lead towards entitlement thinking. Maybe that is just a throwback to the slavery days, but it seems to be a highly prevalent attitude on that side of the book. It is also a large majority of what is wrong with our country as we all can plainly see. (welfare entitlements, and union policies abound and all are bankrupting us.)

There is a point though, even having that christian charity in you to give and give and give, where you MUST turn your back on someone. Granted, the tie period of that 'turning' is also dictated by how well or how closely you are related to said person. In my most recent case, I didn't know the person from Adam, and I turned quickly. From what I can see of his writing style, he is hiding, what and why, I have no idea, nor do I care any longer. I had accused this person of being someone else, and I still have that feeling. Even so, I have written him off of my concerns. I won't try to illuminate anything for his benefit since everything is viewed from a very distorted lens by him. It would seem that lens was 'corrected' by past indoctrinations and those must be shed by the person wearing them, not someone else. As those of us that have "woken up" can attest, the event is troubling at best and highly disturbing for most. Some, in the future, are not going to be able to handle that awakening at all. I only hope that if someone you know is at that stage or near it, that you are going to be able to comfort and aid them through that waking up period. Enough that they don't lose hope and do as Stack or Ball did.

No matter what, there are going to be more of these suicides. I stated it when Stack kamikazied the IRS building, and I state it again now that Ball has passed us the torch (literally BTW, just read his words)


Note that I did NOT specify any one particular section of our Government? The disease is rampant from the lowest village house to the top seat of the administration. There are some areas/states that hold to the best parts of our founders, but for the most part, the cancer is in every orifice.

And its not all in Elected positions. For the many of the issues, the problem resides in those Appointed positions and the selected hirelings that NEVER go away no matter how the elections fall. The ones that have seats for life, or have been appointed by someone far in the past and 'policy' states that the person has that position until such time as THEY deem it unnecessary. Kinda like having your 7 year old grade his own proficiency.

This is not going away without a fight. If you really want to see what our future holds, look towards Argentina. Study what has befallen that country over the last 50 years, From Ava Perron, to the collapse of 2001 on to todays Argentina.
That situation has a much higher probability of happening than any civil war or rebellion. Far Greater chance.


We lost our moral compass. The vast majority of this country doesn't understand what made our founders as stoic as they were. Our way was lost before WWI. Some (to include me) think that our way was lost back in the 1860's. Some think that the disease actually started under our very first President(and I find it hard to argue against with some of the facts in place.).

There are those, that given some time, and free rein, could turn this country around. The problem is the free rein. Look at what has happened when people permitted the elected to go beyond representation, and into "LEADERSHIP". I don't want to elect LEADERS, I can lead myself pretty well. I don't want to hire "PROTECTION", I do pretty good at that myself too. And isn't that were our country is at its weakest? That people want to do as little for themselves (lead and protect themselves) as possible so long as the entertainments don't stop. I think when things get rougher, people are going to see past the plastic smiles and $300 haircuts to the sleek fur of a well fed wolf and that the smile is actually the dripping snarl of anticipation for the meal. That will be the rude awakening that many won't be able to deal with.

And there are those that will never wake up. And for those, you must turn your back.

Or lose yourself as well.

(edited for doubled text. Oops.)


Anonymous said...

Well stated! Not much I could argue with. I think it started with the Constitution itself. We decided to dump the Articles of Confederation and that was that. Of course, Hamilton had a lot to do with that.


Spud said...

The industrial revolution made it too easy for the masses to get lazy.
Now energy is running out and that game has run its course.
In nature we see the same thing, with the outcome always the same.

Then start again...

My poor daughter has no idea what she is in for. Stuck in a car for 3,000 miles listening to me ha ha
By the time we get back here to Floriduh, she'll either think I'm nuts, or be a full fledged convert.
She's pretty smart tho and down to earth, so I think it will be the later.
All we can do, is try to open as many eyes as possible.
Not too many tho.
Nature is telling us.
Ya gots too many. Time for a reduction.

Mayberry said...

It's a hard thing for me, to turn my back. But some, like the one you mentioned, are simply impossible to deal with. Most of the rest just don't seem to care one way or the other. And they label us the "bad guys"...

CorbinKale said...

I was talking with my uncle this past weekend about this very subject. We have been prepping for years and advising the rest of the family to make preps, too. We finally came to the conclusion that pretty much eveyone who is going to wake up in time, has already done it. No sense wasting more effort on them, as time is really getting short and there is still much to do.

We tried to warn them, so we can turn away with a clear conscience.

Diogenes said...

Pickdog: glad to see ya here. Also glad that I am not alone in these views.
Craig: I know it's hard to 'turn away'. But the choice is that or go down with those that refuse the obvious.
Spud: LOL Convert it is. Make sure to start small and work to the present. Use LOTS of examples but try like hell to avoid the Godwin law. That seems to shut things down and shut out those that MAY be willing to listen, to a point.

Corbin: I know what you mean. Clear conscious' will be in order when needed. I have only so much that I can give to others before I have nothing left for the struggle that is on its way. I think I will take my chances on those that I have a commonality with and leave the others to their devices. (so long as that device doesn't interfere with mine.)

Anonymous said...

Great analysis. The country has detoured from the right path for over a century. I doubt we can recover since our politicians have made us into a police state.

In 27 years overseas I never was subjected to the kind of abuse this government subjects us to daily.

Soffitrat said...


You & Corbin have the right attitude. Actually I have many, many more people to worry about than most of you. Turning my 'coldhearted' back on even a large number of people will not divert me from the objectives given to all of us among the 'awakened'. My family all know, and for the most part, are on line to join us. I hope so, for I doubt that I will have even the time to go fetch them. I believe that we are all here at this time for a purpose. My primary concern for my country lies in the question of which direction it takes when we do reboot. I choose to think of this as not only necessary, but a good thing. Crazy as it seems. I have seen more than most of the insanity contained within our governments and banking systems to think that any group of people can change it. It must be destroyed. That power greater than ourselves is seeing to that. This is God doing for us, what we cannot (could not) do for ourselves. It must all be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. Stay positive, bro's, and let's all be around when the time comes, to be a part of that rebuilding!