Monday, March 7, 2011

Et tu, Brute?

Man, I take a couple of days off and what the hell happens? Maybe things moving slow is part of the issue but things really seemed to have taken a turn and not for the better. Before going much further into I want to direct you to a post by William. Prudence is the key right now, not going off half cocked with a nearly empty magazine (and right now, none of us has a full magazine no matter how well prepped we are. ) Doing so may kick off the events, but its going to get alot more people, deader than hell, a whole lot sooner, and may even backfire.

Now back to what got to me. I have a set of daily reads, as I am sure that you all do. Some I hit more frequently than others depending upon how much is usually posted.(as I am sure you all do too.)
But then I came across this on Sipsey St. You can follow all the links yourself if you so desire, I won't go any further with it than I have: just no point when you can see the road fairly clearly and that it leads into a rather bad area. We already know that the future is going to be messed up, and thats putting it pretty lightly to be honest. Now is NOT the time to be making further enemies unless you have an agenda that, frankly, I want no part of. Enemies we have plenty of, you don't need to be running at the mouth and making more. Those enemies we have, know that division of forces is a key point to victory. And its not like we are even all that organized. (unorganized militia? Try disorganized militia. and I ain't laughin about it.) Whenever I see/hear of someone running at the mouth like this, I have to wonder as to what side they are actually working for. To put a 'Manchurian candidate' in place is not below the tactics of the left, proof is in the pudding so to speak. I am not calling anyone traitor at this point but I am saying "be careful what you wish for". Unintended consequences, karma, whatever, has a much better track record than 'Original intent'. Labeling EVERYONE of a certain class/career as 'the enemy' is no better than what our enemies are trying to do with 'class envy'. While the word isn't that, the intent is. Please tell me that we are better than that. That we don't hold grudges just because someone puts on a particular uniform everyday. Even in the trenches of Belgium. they understood that the real reason behind the war was not some "evil enemy" but politics and political aspirations. (and no I am not saying that there aren't bad people in uniform, just as I am not saying that everyone with a patriotic urge is the 'good guy' either. It goes both ways on both sides)

For those that are itching for a new/continued Civil War, hold on to your pants, keep your boots by your bedside. IT IS COMING. I, along with everyone else, is getting impatient with the speed of the decline, but no worries; it will get here. Trust me on this one: once it does, we will be wishing it hadn't. Its a troublesome dichotomy, isn't it?


Mayberry said...

Screw everything. Just do what you want to do, and to hell with everything else. Flip them the bird, and carry on!

WV "OADOR", as in the odor of death eminating from our "leaders"...

Mike said...

Very disturbing dichotomy. Do nothing and our slide into slavery hastens. React strongly and your family will have no one to protect them and provide for them. We're getting real close to the living on your knees or die on your feet scenario. Very troubling to say the least. God bless all. Hope we're in His plans.

Diogenes said...

Won't be long before I can do that. Almost to the point of saying to hell with anything that even remotely has to go through 'the courthouse' for building. I don't need a permit for the grid since I won't be on the grid, I could easily set up a composting system or methane generator for the whole septic system and bypass that whole mess. Fact is, I am thinking I may want to be further in the hills than I am. There is a part of my that wants complete mobility too. That second hand is getting mighty close to midnight though and part of me is saying 'hold off' on all of it. BUT that is a completely different post for laters.

Anonymous said...

Dio, my offer still stands. You know where. And I don't think it's too far from Mayberry either. Getting our plans finalized and much is changing around here. ex-101 friend and I are working with LE to further prep. Will need good hands.

Spud said...

Ain't that old saying " Careful what you wish for ".
I too, don't know which direction, be it stationary and fixed or is it mobile capable. Both would be the prudent path.
Life is that way, never limit your horizon.

Diogenes said...

Soffitrat, I know the offer still stands. I am still debating it and I know the clock is ticking (not on your end but in general) and I may not be ABLE to take you up on it. You aren't that far from Mayberry or Bashing William and they are very much of like mind.

Spud, yeah, the one thing I have learned in the few years I have been around is keeping options open. Right now, the real issue is family. How dedicated or selfish to be. I am sure some of that has translated through my blog in some sense.

Spud said...

Dio; I am a very fortunate man, my wife of 32 yrs. will follow me, no matter the place or direction, I travel.

Diogenes said...

Spud, you are a rare and lucky man. Thats all I can say about that.