Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hey Jenkins.

I left a comment for you but I wanted to touch on something else for a minute.

You seem to think I, Me, Ol Diogenes, also known as James Maynard in the real world HATES AMERICA.(and if you hadn't noticed, I do post my email, right out there where all can see it. I ain't hidin behind no keyboard dude!) Not by a long shot, not by a long shot. IF I hated America, I wouldn't be here raising a stink about the travesties that your YES YOUR heroes on the hill have been doing to the country I Love. I have had ops to Expat out over the years, Still do to some extent and yet, HERE I AM! trying to figure out how to make it better for my grandbehbie and her future. Do you get that? It is NOT hatred of America, its hatred of what people like you have done to her. Please say that you have at least that much intelligence.

I mentioned in my comment that you should read my blog. Maybe you should. You claim that I am calling for others to do "my dirty work" for me. Read this one first. Tell me where, even if its one sentence, where I am telling anyone to do anything. Please, enlighten me. I am one person on the net that will happily admit to being in the wrong if it can be shown to me, WITH PROOF, and not just some opinionated crap spouted off by some liberal tramp with a chip on her dick.

NOW, as for doing something, you know, actually doing something to show how PATRIOTIC I am. Read this one. Still wanna call me a Faketriot? You can if you want, but I would lay even money that you wouldn't do it to my face.

I would also lay even money everything I have said here and in my comment, I would repeat, well maybe not verbatim, but would HAPPILY repeat TO YOUR FACE, in the real world. Verbatim wouldn't do it as I tend to be a bit more colorful in person.

Well with that said, I would like to see you came back with a little more reasoning behind your hatred of people that truly love this country, just not the socialist turn its on now. Let us all know how YOU have helped your country out, even if its just trying to get the truth out there, (and that means more than just leaving hate filled commentary)


Diogenes said...

Got about an hour before I shut her down for the night, I'm a waitin J.

Diogenes said...

Come on J, I am not that long winded.

Or did you just realize that you started barking at the wrong cat?

Inquiring minds want to know (and not just mine from the stats counter)

J.Jenkins said...

You served honorably,I'll give you that.

I think you are inciting violence in a "read between the lines" way. Even with your disclaimers,sorry.I think other people can read it that way too.The same goes for the other patriot blogs.

You guys,threepers,patriots and so on, are always talking about revolution.There's always a hint of possible violence.You're fed up and you want to do something about big bad gov. that's my problem with you.You guys do nothing.You're waiting for some deranged person to start shooting,then you will join in on the fun.

This isn't just directed at you,most of the blogs do the same thing.I've read the comments (anonymous comments too) from some patriots that are just crazy. Some of these guys are nuts.They want a civil war.They want to see dead Americans in the streets.These guys think that they will survive a civil war and their families will not suffer.That is crazy.

I served four years in the Army and never saw combat.I support nonviolent civil disobedience.I'm a supporter of Adam Kokesh.I donate money to worthy causes. I'm not a liberal.I vote and plan on voting for Ron Paul.

Bill Nye said...

Great Post James!! I am very proud to know you. Semper Fi Brother!

Diogenes said...

You really need to read my blog a bit more. Maybe you took it as ME inciting violence but I was trying to encourage THINKING first.
I DO NOT WANT A WAR. Revolutionary or not and if someone were to claim that, then that is their impression and I can't change it.

I have been round and round about that since I started this blog. When I was younger, you would have been right, I have had 20 years in which to grow up and really delve into WHY NOT.

As for "do I like it when cops get killed in the line of duty?": I will answer that with a resounding NO. Do I expect it? Yes, and so should the danged cops. IT is a part of the job description and is reflected in the insurance premiums that they pay.

NOW, Let me ask you this: Do YOU enjoy reading about lawful citizen of this country being murdered by said cops in their own homes?

As for your supporting Ron Paul, I voted for him in 2008. I won't be this time. Go back to mine and Bills statements about voting and legality. You may get a clue as to why(or not, dunno if you are open minded enough)
As for NON-violent disobedience, Have at. I have been down that road and all I have to say about that is "its like masturbation, feels good but is pretty empty when you are done.". There is NOTHING in this world as it stands now that will be accomplished through non-violence. I have to agree with Mike V on his prognosis of what would have happened to Ghandi if the Japanese Army had reached into India. His head would have floated down the Ganges along with the rest of his followers. This world is a violent world and the American people are spoiled brats in for a rude awakening. If you don't understand that, I can't dig your head out of the sand for you.

Bill Nye said...

Mr Jenkins,

We are crazy? No what is crazy is the LEO is killing innocent folks in their homes, thats crazy.


Diogenes said...

Hey J, 3AM comes mighty quick and its a real bitch to drive 400 miles with little to no sleep. If you would like to keep at this, feel free to email me (I WILL NOT PUBLISH YOUR EMAIL, My word as a Marine).

Bill brought up a nice point too. Why don't you start a blog and vent your frustrations out that way. If you wanted, you could even post our correspondence as your first blog entries, with My permission to openly disclose what I say. Just a thought for you.

J.Jenkins said...

#NOW, Let me ask you this: Do YOU enjoy reading about lawful citizen of this country being murdered by said cops in their own homes?#

No,of course not.I want to see the cops that did that in jail.

I'm glad you don't want to see police officers killed.I wish you would have stated that before.

I will read your blog.

Mayberry said...

Perhaps another lost soul has been enlightened. Open up your mind Jenkins, you'll be amazed (and righteously disgusted) by what you see.The war is already started, and not by us. But we do not wish to sink to the government's level. Though this cop killing was held up as perhaps misguided retribution against the horrors perpetrated by "law enforcement". Make no mistake, such things will increase in frequency as more and more people are squeezed through the cracks...

J.Jenkins said...

Check out my blog Dio.Leave a nice comment;-)